Saturday, September 28, 2024

What A Difference!


If you want to hear a speech that is clear, solution-driven, and top-notch, A++, then listen to her speech from Arizona.

For solution-driven speech click here.*

Can the opposition do better?  

Let's hear it.



Who is this individual who is the de facto leader of the Republican Party?

Is he a true Republican? 

Or even a true Christian?

What leader perpetrating the crimes, found guilty of the crimes in felonies, acts like the victim?  

Who victimized him?  

The ones doing their jobs of fighting corruption and crime?

And his talk of protecting women,

Is he a knight in shining armor?  

Ready and willing to defend a woman's honor and protect women and girls from rapists and harm?


What defines a Republican? 

What defines a Christian?  

What defines a knight?

What defines a man?

Friday, September 27, 2024


Once you’ve crossed the Rubicon, the die 🎲 is cast.

No amount of blame or lame excuses will change where the dominos will fall.

However outrageous the lies or criminal the schemes, still will not change the ocean tides.

Some might be fooled by lies and bluster but not everyone will be blinded or blindsided.

An example of this fact is in the polling numbers which are based on the opinions of the constituents, not on the opinions of the candidates.


Getting mad at everyone with an opinion about a poll or debate is unreasonable, especially when the consensus is lopsided.

It is delusional to believe that the propaganda and brainwashing in lies is working, especially when the polls say otherwise.

Not everyone finds it appealing to be lied to and hoodwinked by lies.

Some find it a major turn off to be disrespected and manipulated with lies, lame excuses, and offensive remarks.

Furthermore, some find those offensive and hateful remarks repugnant, callous and uncouth.

Find it embarrassing to have such a shameful person representing what used to be a respectable party.

Where the bar has dropped so low felons and convicts are now them.

Some find the utter hypocrisy of Christian acting in hate and fear of Satan an oxymoron and completely unchristian.

Honest people should not be crucified for speaking truth to power, especially when there are more of us than you think.

Just take a look at the debate opinions of honest and dishonest people and still there is a lopsided consensus as to who won and who lost.


Because the truth is the truth.

When we are honest the truth can cut through all the noise, lies, blame, and lame excuses.

Thursday, September 26, 2024


If you love the Lord, 

if you care for humanity, 

Then show it. 

Stand for love against hate, 

And defend the most vulnerable 

In our communities, 

And protect people from harm.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


The key to understanding the earlier questions is empathy.

Empathy is required to get someone’s number, to understand a person well enough to know their weaknesses and Achilles heel or kryptonite.

And understanding someone’s kryptonite is important to winning any battle and any debate.  

More importantly, empathy is vital to identifying a problem, getting it to the heart of it, and being able to solve it.

Empathy allows you to go beyond the superficial to the substantive issues at hand.

Without empathy, empaths cannot correctly predict any outcome, pronogistate, or apprehend anyone's mental and emotional state.

Without empathy, one cannot fully understand the world today nor can one understand the pulse of what's happening.

Without empathy, we stumble blindly through life or into any situation without understanding or feeling for what is vital.

This loss of feel for what matters will ultimately cause the unemphatic to lose their way.

Failure to see beyond one’s ignorance is to be lost in ignorance and be rudderless without direction towards what matters.

Without empathy, there is no sight.

No sight of the present and no foresight of the future.

To be without empathy is to go blind, without feel for anything, and to go into situations blind.

Blocking empathy with the ruthless force of ignorance and cruelty is to block any chance of sight, insight, enlightenment, and sustained success in winning.

Therefore, empathy is the key to winning, because it gives sight to any situation, insight into any problem, and enlightenment to any ignorance.


🤔How do you get someone’s number?

And if you are thinking I mean getting a phone number, you're way off.

Why is it important to get someone and get that person's number?

How does a person become out of touch with the modern world and become a dinosaur?

How does a person not have a pulse on what's happening?

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Stop the hate of our fellow Christian brothers and sisters from Haiti.

The majority of Haitians are Christian.

And unlike their accuser of made-up lies and stories about eating cats and dogs, they attend church on Sundays.

Roughly, 84 percent of Haitians are Christians (29 percent Protestant and 55 percent Catholic).*

They do not deserve to be treated with such disrespect and hate, especially when the eating pets stories are made up, not real, lies.

*State Department Haiti 2018 International Religious Freedom Report.


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

                            – Edmund Burke

“Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. 

For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. 

Therefore do not become partners with them.”

                                - Ephesians 5: 4-7

Do not partake in hate, impure immortals, and sin.

“Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.”

                              - Ephesians 4:15

“And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

                               - Ephesians 5:2

Monday, September 23, 2024


Empathy is the ability to understand, the capacity to comprehend, and share in the feelings of another person.

Empathy is vital to any relationship because, without empathy, there is no real connection to another and no two-way streets. 

Empathy is the beginning of wisdom and enlightenment, for without it, we remain closed off, incapable of understanding or comprehending anything outside ourselves.

Those without empathy live in narcissistic ignorance, objectifying everyone and having shallow relationships based on grandiose selfish desires of self.

Ultimately, the unemphatic live with an inability to learn from and understand mistakes, grow as a person, and form healthy relationships.

Empathy is also vital to prophetic predictions of substantive importance, because change in the world, either for the better or worse, is incumbent upon the people and leaders of the world, not upon superficial nonsense.

Prognostications of desired readings in the stars are not real, because the future is not based upon shallow wants and readings but on the cause and effects of choices in what will transpire and acts of God.

For example, if one tries to predict the outcome of the presidential election without first understanding the will of the people and what matters to the people, then the messaging will be off target and the predictions or polling will be wrong.

Similarly, understanding leaders and their plans is essential for making accurate predictions about how those plans will impact the people.

Therefore, empathy is a key component to winning, because understanding the will and needs of the people will help leaders to develop the winning strategies that will help the people.

Sunday, September 22, 2024


The strange thing about toxic masculinity is this weird inability to man up.

What is weirder is the constant blame on others, other than the self for his own toxic actions.  

Now, if it was the other person's fault and that person made him, then would it not suggest that the victim had the control and power* instead of him?

Then there is the making of lame excuses in threats and aggression to cover up insecurities, fears, incompetence, and cowardice, usually in an exhausting, never-ending cycle of lame. 

Between the lame excuses and blaming in great scapegoat fashion, there is this grandiose belief in the perfection of the Neanderthal man.

Why would anyone think being a Neanderthal is perfect? 

This passé and toxic notion in a pre-civilization ideal and the constant feeding of the beast of sins in abuse of power to force and maintain this grandiose image of a Neanderthal will only result in harm to the modern masculine male and the victims of his forced ideal.

In the end, his life is wasted on an image, not of the perfection of a man but the toxic imperfection of a Neanderthal without the ability to man up, take responsibility for his actions, and do the honorable and right things in life.

*Note: Power and control is a grandiose and unholy delusion based upon fear and insecurities in hate, usually resulting in out of control behavior.

What defines a Christian?

Give at least five characteristics and explain their significance.

Saturday, September 21, 2024


With all the talk about crowd sizes in rallies of the presidential candidates, what's interesting is that the rallies with Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz also appear much larger than those of the presidential candidate from the opposing party.

And the crowds appear engaged til the end, unlike those of the other party where they lose interest and leave early.

Furthermore, the ads from Waltz are very down-to-earth and make sense.

If you are interested in sense, especially common sense and making sense in this election, check out on YouTube the town hall forum, “Unite for America,” with Oprah Winfrey and Vice President Kamala (calm) Harris in Farmington Hills, Michigan.  

Stars like Meryl Streep, Chris Rock, Bryan Cranston, Ben Stiller, Tracee Ellis Ross, Julia Roberts, and Jennifer Lopez also lent their support to President Kamala Harris through Zoom.


If anyone believes that causing chaos to destabilize an opponent or country is a viable strategy, then those individuals are sorely mistaken. 

Creating nothing but misery and liabilities will only bring destruction across the board, not assets and not prosperity or peace.

This is especially true if the opponent or country is far richer with more assets to lose.  

Whereas opponents with fewer assets will experience greater losses at steeper prices and slower recovery times, if able to recover at all.


And if you think that assets mean only monetary assets then you are again sorely mistaken. Brain power is the main power.  EQCQ is the engine.


Theft of mail is a serious crime under federal statute, 18 U.S. Code § 1708.

Mail theft is a federal crime that can result in a fine of up to $250,000 and up to five years in prison. 

The law also applies to mail obtained fraudulently from mailboxes, post offices, or mail carriers.

If the theft of mail involves postal employees, an inside job, then the criminal crime is covered under statute 18 U.S. Code § Section 1709.

The penalty is a fine of up to $250,000 and up to five years in prison.

In addition, “federal prosecutors can charge multiple counts of mail theft, which can lead to higher offense levels and more severe consequences. 

For example, each electronic communication or mailing that is part of a fraudulent scheme can be charged as a separate count”.**

If the mail theft is used to further other crimes, such as fraud or identity theft, the sentence would be higher. 

If the resulting theft causes some sort of mail fraud then in accordance with statute 18 U.S.C. § 1341, the felony penalty is a fine as high as $1,000,000 and the imprisonment term can be up to 30 years for each count of mail fraud.

Additional fraud laws may apply depending upon severity, extent, and types of the fraud.

Note, each state has its own laws pertaining to mail theft and it varies from state to state and prosecutors can charge the thief on multiple counts based upon each instance of mail theft.


**Google AI search “Can prosecutors charge mail theft on each count?”

Friday, September 20, 2024


Ten days after the presidential debate, the zingers from V.P. Kamala (calm) Harris still resonate.

Here's another one.

When David Muir asked the ex-president whether he believed it was in the U.S.'s best interest for Ukraine to win this war, he failed to answer in the affirmative.

V.P. Harris’ response was not only in the affirmative of strong support but also said that a certain “dictator would eat him for lunch.”

This would be true since he seems to roll over and submit to everything this dictator demands and thinks Russia is so great, whereas America needs to be great again, implying that America is not great.

Yet in America, the median monthly income is roughly $5,000 per month* whereas in Russia, it's roughly $500 per month**.

Is there even an apples-to-apples comparison here? 

And the last time I checked, America is still a superpower and has been since World War II.

When did we ever fall behind Russia or the rest of the world?

It is completely embarrassing that this submissive talks as if America is a lesser power or like a third-world country.  

Or that it is so bad in the greatest country in the world.

When it is the furthest thing from the truth.

And the fact that this certain dictator would eat him for lunch is sad.

*Fidelity Investments, June 26, 2024.

**Wikipedia, List of Russian federal subjects by average wage, January 2020.


I cannot believe we are still talking about crowd sizes over a week from the presidential debate.

One keeps growing 10,000-15,000+ and stays that way til the end of the rally.

The other does not even come close, then empties out way before the end of the rally.

What is there to compare?

There is no comparison.

One looks like a winner.

The other clearly looks like a loser.

A clear loser of the debate and rally sizes.

And hasn't it been proven again and again that his rallies are snoozeville and stale?

Thursday, September 19, 2024

We live in a democracy and live within the framework of the Constitution and the rule of law.  

Whatever our politics, we do not have the right to break with our allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

Nor do we have the right to break laws in treason and collude with foreign adversaries hell-bent on destroying the West.

Just because a con artist can hoodwink someone with promises of one or a couple of policies does not give that person the right to harm people, incite hate, or trash America and its heroes, democracy, and its laws.

It's called corruption. 

According to the dictionary, “Corruption is the process by which something, typically a word or expression, is changed from its original use or meaning to one that is regarded as erroneous or debased.”

Corruption is also “dishonest or illegal behavior, especially by powerful people.” 

It is also called selling out or selling your soul to someone of dishonorable and disreputable behavior or the devil.


I sympathize with those who have fallen victim to another Bernie Madoff - a con artist, but on a smaller and less intelligent scale. This con artist is not who he claims to be, quite the opposite.

To understand my thoughts on this matter, you need to understand chess or the theory of consequences.  It's about being one or two steps away from a disastrous move or policy.

Not everyone who claims to play chess is a chess player, especially those who declare themselves to be chess masters.

I feel sorry and embarrassed for those who are continuously being deceived and fooled.

I especially feel sorry for Christians who are manipulated into fearing Satan instead of fearing the Lord, turning them away from love and towards hate.

And for Republicans who are manipulated into destroying the Republic instead of defending it from harm, turning them away from the Republic, rule of law, freedom, and democracy.

I feel sorry that their support of this Bernie Madoff-type will eventually lead to their spiritual and financial bankruptcy.

Ultimately, it is extremely embarrassing to have some people fooled by someone of this lesser intelligence and little or no morals.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Love Is Patient and Kind

Love is patient and kind; 

Love does not envy or boast; 

It is not arrogant or rude. 

It does not insist on its own way; 

it is not irritable or resentful; 

it does not rejoice at wrongdoing;

but rejoices with the truth. 

Love bears all things, 

believes all things, 

hopes all things, endures all things.

                                                      1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Monday, September 16, 2024


Turn the page on toxic:

Toxic masculinity 

Toxic stunts

Toxic lies

Toxic misogyny 

Toxic hate 

Toxic racism

Toxic narcissism

Toxic rage

Toxic stupidity 

Toxic embarrassments….

Turn the page now on this toxic pathological liar;

In order to move forward to a better and brighter future, without all this toxic BS and harm.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

What Should You Do?

Should you fear the Lord or fear Satan?

The answer, according to over 130 scriptural passages, is that you should fear the Lord.*


Because we are to fear no evil.**  

And love (respect and revere) the Lord and thy neighbor as self.***

“The fear of the Lord can be interpreted as a sense of reverence and connection to God, and a way of living in response to God's grace. 

It can also mean living a life that honors God, and putting God's will above one's own.”*

The phrase, “fear the Lord”, is mentioned in many passages, including: 



"What does the Lord your God 

ask of you 

but to fear the Lord your God, 

to walk in all his ways, 

to love him, 

to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, 

and to observe the Lord's commands and decrees." 

                          Deuteronomy 10:12-13

"The fear of the Lord is the fountain of life." 

                      Proverbs 14:27

“Whoever walks in righteousness fears the LORD,

but he who is devious in his ways despises him.”

                        Proverbs 14:2

*From Google AI search results there are over 130 scriptural passages for "fear the Lord", and none for fear of Satan.

**Psalm 23:4

***Matthew 22:37-39, which says:

Matthew 22:37: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."

Matthew 22:38: "This is the first and great commandment."

Matthew 22:39: "And a second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself'.”

Saturday, September 14, 2024


Does this weird and questionable applicant not realize that America is a superpower?

And America has been a superpower since she defeated the Nazis and Axis powers in 1945? 

The United States of America has not lost its superpower status.

🤔America would have to first lose its superpower status before it can be made powerful or great again.


Lame, so lame. 

Excuses, endless excuses.

Blame, and more blame pointless-

So pathetic- so shameful - so lame.

Always broken between lame, blame, and shame.

Stuck on a spiraling repeat of lame excuses, weirdness, and 😱deranged.*

*Unmasked from the debate, this applicant for president spends most of his time in his much smaller and shrinking rallies on one spin cycle; 

making lame excuses, blaming others and doubling down on his humiliating smackdown and takedown by V.P Kamala (calm) Harris.


Friday, September 13, 2024


“Whoever walks in uprightness fears the LORD,

but he who is devious in his ways despises him.”

“Leave the presence of a fool,

for there you do not meet words of


The wisdom of the prudent 

is to discern his way,

but the folly of fools is deceiving.”**

“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise,

but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”***

*Proverbs 14:2

**Proverbs 14:7-8

***Proverbs 13:20 


“A worthless person, 

a wicked man,

goes about with crooked speech,

winks with his eyes, 

signals with his feet,

points with his finger,

with perverted heart devises evil,

continually sowing discord-

There are six things that the Lord hates,

seven that are an abomination to    



Arrogant and conceited eyes, 

a lying tongue,

and hands that shed innocent blood,

a heart that devises wicked plans,

feet that make haste to run to evil,

a false witness who breathes out    


and one who sows discord among     



 Proverbs 6:12-14,16-19

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Great Unmasking Of A Racist-Liar-Loser-Coward


The surprising revelation from the debate was the great unmasking of a racist-liar-loser-coward, a real recreant Scaramouch of milquetoast.

Racist because of his “aliens eating pets” rants.  

Liar because of the many lies revealed in post-debate fact checks.*

Loser because after all his puffed-up boasts, it ends with a total smackdown and takedown to the mat of him in humiliating loss and resounding defeat, despite his many lying cheats.

Coward because the loser just announced that he's going to dodge another draft- no to a second debate with V.P. Kamala (calm) Harris.   

No wonder this coward rants in his speech, to let autocratic dictators do and take whatever is within their tyrannical reach and won't protect American allies or women from harm or breach.

It seems easier for him to shout, “Let them drink bleach!”

Then it is for him to have bravery and understand the situation of each.

*One such falsehood was corrected by the German government in the following tweet:

“Like it or not: Germany's energy system is fully operational, with more than 50% renewables. And we are shutting down not building coal & nuclear plants. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest. 

PS: We also don't eat cats and dogs.



Halloween came early in the debate for the U.S. presidency in the form of a tired, old, weird, and angry applicant for president.

His debate spats were like a horrific flashback to 1938.  

Back to a time, eighty six years ago, when a certain hoax from an Orson Welles’ radio broadcast of a massive “Martian invasion” caused mass public panic.  

However, today is not then.  

In 2024, this applicant’s racist, lie laden spats of out-of-his-mind hate rhetoric in “aliens eat pets”, did not cause mass panic.

Instead, his raging trash talk, usually reserved for rag magazines, caused mass civil disdain and ridicule, full delirious laughter and hilarity, stuck on replay.

In 2024, televised broadcasts can replay his hilarious out of this world delusions over and over again, recorded for the history books for all time.

This tired old, out of touch with the modern world and the modern women, applicant who seems to believe that racist remarks and debunked aliens eating pets claims would appeal to any normal and civilized person, is deranged. 

Yet, this was not the only highlight from that night’s debate, if you can call a total smackdown, takedown to the mat of an old raging, out of control, applicant by a vibrant and heartfelt, V.P. Kamala (calm) Harris a debate.

Let's see what else has been replayed over and over again.

How about these bait lines from Harris:

“Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people.”

Her talk about his much smaller crowd sizes, 

“You will notice that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom.”

Her response to his debunked “they’re eating pets” rant,

“Talk about extreme.”

His rant about FBI committing fraud, “the FBI–they were defrauding statements.”

“Well, I think this is so rich.  

Coming from someone who has been prosecuted for

national security crimes,

economic crimes,

election interference,

has been found liable for 

sexual assault,

and his next big court appearance is in November at his own criminal sentencing (referencing his guilty verdict and conviction on 34 felonies).”

“It is important that we move forward, that we turn the page on this same old tired rhetoric.”

“But frankly, the American people are exhausted with the same old playbook.”

“Not everybody got handed $400 million on a silver platter and then files bankruptcy six times.”

Referencing the former president and his actions on January 6th, 

“incited a violent mob to attack our nation's capital, to desecrate our nation's capital.  

On that day, 140 law enforcement officers were injured. And some died.”

“So for everyone watching who remembers what January 6th was, I say we do not have to go back. Let's not go back.  

It's time to turn the page.

And if that was a bridge too far for you, well, there is a place in our campaign for you.  

To stand for country. 

To stand for our democracy.

To stand for rule of law.

And to end chaos.”

“And World leaders are laughing at Donald Trump.”

“And the American people have a right to rely on a president who understands the significance of America’s role and responsibility 

in terms of ensuring that there is stability and ensuring we stand up for our principles 

and not sell them for the benefit of personal flattery.”

“He calls himself a deal maker- Even his national security adviser said it (referring to his deal in Afghanistan) was a weak, terrible deal.”

“And get back to the point about how he has consistently disparaged and demeaned members of our military, fallen soldiers, 

and the work that we must do to uphold the strength 

and the respect of the United States of America around the world.”

There is more smackdown, but by now you should get the idea of how the evening went.  

Harris threw out the bait and Trump took all of them hook, line, and sinker.

For detailed highlights read and decide for yourself who won, the transcript of the debate (keep in mind, the old applicant, in fact checks, has over 30 falsehoods).

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

What Is the Measure Of A Man?

What is the measure of a man?

Is it excuse after lame excuse for one’s own actions?

Is it the constant blame on victims or women or anyone else other than the buck with effective control, making the decisions?

Is it this constant pathetic cowardice to never man up on anything?

Toxic masculinity is not masculinity.  

It's pathetically hiding behind aggression to cover up insecurities and fear, and the complete inability to man up.

Monday, September 9, 2024


No woman or girl can be safe. 

In their homes and beds,

With this unholy ape,

That drugs their sleep and then rape.

Under the guise of good men,

His minions came again and again,

To take, gaslight, abuse, and rape 

In his unholy name- shame.

Racist, sexist, rapist, misogynist. 

Rage the most ignoramus.

Never will you or yours be safe.

As long as power is given to this- 

Never protecting women or girls.

Shouting obscenities,

In the most perverted of profanities- 

The most depraved of the vanities.

Unspeakable dishonor and shame, 

Is what you will find,

In his gross gripes, cons and mutters-

Hate in the blame of all others.


🤔Have you discovered a correlation between racist hate based on skin color and narcissism, the most shallow superficial type of ignorance?

This type of fool will go into battle with generals who are idiot cowards who will leave every man behind and if necessary, use them as human shields, because the racist narcissists could care less about anyone but themselves.  

Racist-narcissists are destroyers that only know how to tear down and destroy anyone in the way of their ignorant idiocy of hate, self-destruction, and damnation (because do not obey the Lord's love in fellowship commandment); 

Think their ignorance great; 

Get off on their damnation of hate, abusive power trips, sexual abuses, and crimes against humanity.  

What is the appeal?

Sunday, September 8, 2024


🤔Ever wonder why, as children of the Lord, born holy, would we be taught by questionable ministers to believe we are all sinners?

We are not all sinners, as we are not all liars.

And though we are not perfect and sometimes make mistakes, we are capable of learning from those mistakes. 

If we sin, we can brave the truth, confess the sin, repent, and atone. 

So why this constant toxic grooming into acceptance of sin, especially sins of the flesh, and corruption of the mind, heart, and soul into sins?

Why use forgiveness, not to heal, but as a weapon to continue to overlook sins and to bypass and forsake redemption into damnation?

This pervasive toxic grooming into accepting sins in our churches, politics, and people, especially men in toxic masculinity, has caused massive corruption and damnation problems.

In a time where our salvation, our values, and our democracy are on the line, we need to return to the faithful teachings of Christ and uncorrupted Christian values.

Speak up and stand against the sins and sinners that attempt to corrupt the minds, hearts, and souls of not only ourselves but our children.

There is no reason in a civilized society for uncivilized toxic discourse that perpetuates and accepts sins and toxic sinful behaviors that destroy salvation, prosperity, and peace. 


Negative energy will never be compatible with positive energy, much like heaven and hell.

A negative, unholy, sinful person cannot enter heaven.

The reason is that negative unholy is incompatible with positive holiness.

It is not enough for the unholy to think that the victim’s (or the Lord's) forgiveness will be enough to allow the unholy entry into heaven because someone else's forgiveness does nothing to change the character of the unholy sinner, especially if unrepentant.*

The body is the Lord's temple**; therefore, any violation or dishonorable conduct is sacrilegious and unholy.

Thus, sexual abuse is a desecration and an unholy negative dishonor. 

Intentionally causing harm to the Lord's temple is damning as well as sacrilegious.  

A person's home is also a sacred place. 

The Fourth Amendment recognizes the sanctity of the home in stating that people have the right to be secure in their person, houses, papers, and effects.  

Home invasions where inappropriate touching, stealing, and atrophying of personal property and person is not only highly unethical and unholy, it's also highly illegal.

Every count of sin is marked upon a sinner’s soul and determines where that sinner will end up in life and death.  

The measure of a person is not based upon the material or political status of Caesar.  

The measure of a person is based upon the positive attributes of character and deed aligned with the Holy Spirit, the Lord’s commandments, and 


Spiritual law states that we must have purity of heart to see the Lord ***and connect positively (without blockage) to the Holy Spirit and humanity.

Any break of the Law is sinful, generates negative energy, and causes the soul to become unholy.

We need to adhere to spiritual laws, the Lord’s commandments, and teachings to remain holy, positive, and free from sin.

*Matthew 7:21-23

**1 Corinthians 6:19

***Matthew 5:8

Saturday, September 7, 2024

What Happens When You Do Not Obey Spiritual Laws?


“Disobeying spiritual laws is considered sin and can lead to spiritual turmoil and a broken relationship with the Lord. 

You will suffer negative spiritual effects, such as potential curses, loss of blessings, a separation from the Lord and disconnection to the Holy Spirit, and hardships in life.


Key points from scripture: 


Condemnation and punishment:

The Bible states that breaking the Lord's laws leads to a "curse" and potential punishment. 

Deuteronomy 27:26

"Cursed is anyone who does not uphold the words of this law by carrying them out." 


Loss of blessings:

When you disobey spiritual laws, you miss out on the blessings that come with obedience, as God promises rewards for following his commandments. 


Spiritual separation:

Not adhering to God's laws can create a distance between you and God, hindering your spiritual growth and connection with him. 


Negative consequences in life:

Some scriptures, like Leviticus 26, describe potential negative consequences in your life, such as disease, hardship, and turmoil, as a result of disobeying God's laws. 

Paul explained that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).”*

*AI-generated answer from question,“What happens when you do not obey spiritual laws?” 


When did America stop being a superpower?

When was America not great?

What ignorant motto, stamped on stupid hats, and how can those feel so wretched and believe this BS?

How can you let him trash everything and everyone, especially our heroes in service?  

And bring America down to the level of Putin’s Russia?  

As if there is any comparison.

Liar, Liar


Liar, liar, 

Pants on fire. 

How is it that his great Pinocchio nose 

Hasn't dragged him under ire?

Cheater, cheater,

Trickster, fraudster, and creep.

How is it that his cheats haven't bled 

Dry his mini-Mes and creeps?

Excuses, excuses,

So lame and more lame.

How is it that his lame excuses,

Disrespect and harm see no shame?

Blame, blame,

Always pointing his gross finger.

How is it that his slanderous blames 

Aren't more pointed back in shame?

Vomit, vomit,

Vomitville stumps, 

How is it that his nauseating brags

Not caused more snoozeville slumps?

Shame, shame,

Indecent and unclean.

Shameful, abusive, and mean,

His crimes stuck on repeat and cheat.

Scream, scream,

Out of control rage.

Unraveling in his rotted-gilded cage.

Sinking in his decrepit-old age.

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