Monday, August 29, 2022


"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" 

(Ἀπόδοτε οὖν τὰ Καίσαρος Καίσαρι καὶ τὰ τοῦ Θεοῦ τῷ Θεῷ). [Matthew 22:21]

Do not confuse the mundane world with the spiritual.  

Do not imagine that by causing chaos, fear, hate and destruction of Caesar, changes the Holy Spirit or alters the requirements of salvation.  

No matter what happens in life, you will still have to pass your tests of character in order to enter heaven with a purity of heart.  

The false prophets may read whatever is desired into the stars and clouds, but readings do not alter the course of planetary alignments nor change the direction of the stars.  

You may declare megalomaniac tricksters and copycats winners year after year, but their tricks or Ponzi schemes will still be tricks and schemes, however grandiose their delusions and games are.  

Building upon quicksand of lies and fraud, is not anything real.  

Having a false sense of security in amped up power trips while real threats and harm are perpetrated is not real security.  

Believing one to be saved while committing sins and crimes against humanity is not real salvation.  


Name one person that cannot hurt another person.  

So why think those that can abuse superpowers are any big deal?  

Special cruel and unusual treatments are in the end still just unholy abuses in unspeakable harm.

Those kinds of unholy energies are damning and cannot be used in the creation of lights.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sexual Abuse


Sexual abuse of another person is one of the most damning sins; it connects the abuser's mind into the gutters of hell and blackens the soul with an unclean heart.

Sexual abusers cause greater damning because the abuser not only practices the deadly sin of lust, but also aggravated harm in lust of another in abuses.

Sinners committing these types of Sodom and Gomorrah crimes against humanity are on an unholy pathway to the deepest parts of hell.

The sexual abuser's souls also become unnaturally inhumane and heinous, more resembling cockroaches than humane beings.

When unchecked, their heinous and unholy practices corrupts and infests those around them with Sodom and Gomorrah like damnation and fates.  

Do not be complicit or accomplices to sinners committing heinous crimes lest you will end up in hell with them.

Friday, August 26, 2022


Are you surprised at how many false Christians there are out there? 

The sheer number of hypocrites and haters?  

Those hating vehemently the Lord's creations?  

Those practicing damning sins of hate, complete disobedience of the Lord's commandments to love? 

Are you surprised that when you count the few that will enter heaven (that are spiritually pure of heart), that the numbers differ significantly from what is being preached, but not scripturized?  

Are you surprised at how conventional people are, trapped by the mundane and superficial, especially by the power of Caesar?  

Where do the Lord's commandments come into play?  

Where is the Holy Spirit in people's hearts and minds?   

Where is the Holy Spirit in your heart and mind?  

Are the Lord's great commandments practiced in your house?

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


When you look at the world and people, do you look at it from Caesar's perspective or the Lord's perspective?

Do you think about how other people will judge you?  

Or how your bosses will judge you?  

Or how the Lord will judge you? 

Are you someone's chess piece or the Lord's servant? 

How is your discernment?  

Independent and devoid of biases or dependent and full of prejudices?

Who's really the slave, the one that is free from sin or the one trapped by sins? 

Saturday, August 20, 2022


They say love is blind.  

That love tends to overlook many things.

Your soul, however, does not.  

Every test of character, whether pass or fail, is written upon your soul and conscience.  

You may imagine that because God is love, the Lord overlooks many things, especially the bad.  

Do you really think the Lord is blind?

Let's say, you manage to fool yourself; can you ever fool the Lord?

Thursday, August 18, 2022



There are so many factions in Christianity and within these factions parishioners are loyal firstly to their parish, not to fellow brothers and sisters of Christ.  

Seldom is fellowship displayed outside their clique and rarely as stewards of the earth.  

This problem of division is even worse in the tribes of Caesar.  

I find these fake Christians very troubling as these parishioners do not follow the Lord's commandments to love thy neighbor as self across the board.

I find those abuses of power Caesars even more troubling as henchmen and con men follow neither rule of law nor any honor code of conduct.  

Also the spiritual laws of the Lord should dictate the laws of Caesar, not the other way around in lies, corruption and abuses.  

Christians should not let ideological differences in religion or politics get in the way of service to the Lord and humanity, and fellowship, especially among fellow Christians.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022



If you have to ask for something in prayer, ask not for results, like getting a job, but for the courage to go through the process of finding a job or the ability to meet your challenges and pass your test of character.

Know that sometimes your desires do not match the Lord's Design.

Therefore, it is important to keep in mind what you are to be doing for the Lord, not just for yourself.

It is also important to be able to receive the Lord's answers to your prayers, not just the ask.

For example, if you are ill with sickness, you can ask for the Lord to heal you, however, in order for the Lord's healing to reach beyond the material barriers of flesh, selfish desires and other distractions, the Holy Spirit must be able to reach you to heal you.  

It is also easier to feel the Lord's directions as instruments of peace rather than hate.  

Hate overwhelms any connection to self, humanity and the Lord.

In serenity, you can receive the Lord's wisdom and the healing of the Holy Spirit in peace.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022



"Life is like a marathon," said the teacher.  

"Because it is a marathon, what matters most is not winning or losing, but enduring." 

If you fall, get back up and pave a better way in service of the Lord.  

There is no shortage of things that must be done in stewardship of earth and humanity.  

At the close, if we can raise our heads high, proud that we did our small part to make the world a better place and passed our greatest tests of character, then we can face the Lord free and unashamed.

Because what really matters most then is the Lord's Judgement. 

What that Judgement maybe depends upon how you run your marathon of life.  

Sunday, August 14, 2022



Your loyalty must be to the Lord first, humanity second.  

The end goal is salvation.  

The lack of independent and unbiased thought and failures in tests of character only make the path to salvation more difficult to attain.  

Do not get hung up in the trappings of material wealth or power, because those things you cannot bring with you when you die.  

What you present to the Lord cannot be of anything mundane.  

And any meager power of man, however superhuman, cannot even compare to having the faith of a mustard seed, let alone the power of nature and the Lord. 

Being powerful does not generate wisdom or intelligence.

Power does not create innovations, nor is it the path to salvation.  

And powerful aggression is complete opposite of "the meek shall inherit the earth"*. 

Do not sell out your soul for something so very temporal and transient.

Know that we all will have to answer to the Lord eventually and live with the Lord's Judgement for all eternity. 

*Matthew 5:5, Psalm 37:11


Stop trying to make the world into what you want it to be, because it will never fit your idea of perfection.  

Instead, work to make the world into what the Lord wills it to be. 

Stop trying to make children or people into who you want.  

They should be who the Lord intended them to be; their own person unique in every way and should not conform to conventional uniform copies of the norm.  

Thursday, August 11, 2022


Do not be fooled. 

It is unholy to use the church to manipulate the flock into political gains and power of Caesar.  

It is unholy to use religion to promote a specific political leader in a bid for power of Caesar.


Because those types of propaganda are all selfish gains, manipulation and bids for power of Caesar, thus abuse of religion and flock.

There must be clear separation of church and state.

The church should only be promoting Jesus Christ, not some political leader.

Saturday, August 6, 2022


“Blessed are the meek: For they shall inherit the Earth.”    

                             - Matthew 5:5


Is this inheritance even in the realm of possibility?

Do you know of anyone striving for meekness?  

It is not a popular character trait today or at any point in history.  


Because meekness is regarded not as a strength, but weakness.  

It is the opposite of survival of the fittest; a complete contrast to power and power trips.  

The prevailing thought is that meekness is easily overpowered, exploited and controlled.

What is sacrificed when meekness is eliminated from the self and humanity? 


Self and Humanity.

Can you connect to yourself, humanity or the Holy Spirit in aggression or power? 

Can you receive the Lord's messages of love or love in fellowship in aggression or power?

Without meekness or calming of the mind you cannot attain enlightenment or wisdom.  

There is no learning in aggression or power.  

Meekness does not mean no defense.  

It means no aggression or abuse of power in defense.  

Meekness means taking responsibility and wielding power responsibly. 

There is nothing to inherit if there is no net worth or earth when the economy and everything is destroyed.

In order to inherit, there has to be something to inherit.  

How is wisdom achieved?

How is peace and prosperity achieved?

Note: "Lights" cannot form in aggression or power.  Blocked.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Dear eSnowflake,

By now you have figured out your purpose in life, walked the path of the holy, passed your tests of character and any failings revealed made the necessary course corrections.  

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; 

Perfection is in the eye of excellence.  

Walk, as always, with the Holy Spirit.



Tuesday, August 2, 2022



While abusers are punishing victims senselessly for their own failings and fears, these sinners neglect how their abuses are punishing their souls.  

When you add the real Judgment of the Lord, the consequences upon death to the sinners will be extensive and permanent. 

There is a vast difference between physical abuse and spiritual judgement.  

When the focus is only on that of Caesar, then there is a blindness to the spiritual world, especially of the Holy Spirit.  

Contrary to the grooming and power trips, those with no moral authority have no say whatsoever of the Spirit.  

Yes, those with the power of Caesar have the power to harm, abuse power and destroy.  

However, those Unholies have absolutely no power to enter heaven or see Heaven's Gate or receive salvation forsaken by them.  

When their path is one of unholy graveyards, then the path of salvation is lost to them.  

Theirs is one of the fallen, fallen from grace, fallen from the Lord.  

No one can harm them more than these Unholies have harmed themselves in spirit and character.

However, we cannot allow them to continuously harm and corrupt people into harm and sins.

The path of salvation must not be blocked or hampered by unholy sinners corrupting people away from holy practices and into unholy ones.

Those committing the crimes must do the time.

Bring to justice sinful abusers committing heinous crimes and defend humanity from corruption and destruction.

* Know that in the end, unless redeemed, conspirators, colluders, accessories after the fact, will end up in hell with the unholy sinners and abusers, each according to their involvement and complicity in the crimes.



How can shallow superficial predictions be everything or even, anything?  

Senseless physical movements have nothing to do with intellect.

Nonsense predictions of stomach contents or the obvious mundane tasks have nothing to do with intellect.  

Again reading whatever you want into the clouds is not actual reading or reading comprehension.  

Reading manipulations of their own making again is reading oneself not the other person.

Why would you think you have any intellectual thought covered if nothing predicted actually involves intellectual thought or comprehension?  

Negative responses to negative stimuli are also not intellectual discussions in anything productive.

How can you think you have all the bases covered?

Big Deal Or No Big Deal?

🤔 Do you consider certain crimes and sins to be no big deal? What happens to your character and soul when you commit a certain crime or sin...