"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
This poem by Emma Lazarus is inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty, welcoming the huddled masses to freedom on our shores.
And unless you were born a Native American, chances are your family of immigrants came ashore by way of Ellis Island.
Regardless of whether several generations in or more recent, you and your family originated somewhere other than America.
If you have DNA tested your ancestry, you may know exactly your origins.
We are a country of immigrants, a melting pot of cultures and good food.
How can the son of immigrants forget this fact and treat those needing refuge upon our shores with such hate and contempt?
Hate has no place in modern society.
Especially hate stuck back in the time of the 1930s, when fascism came into power because of demoralizing insecurities- the result of losing the First World War, where wretched losers turned to “strongmen” for strength, but instead strength found themselves accomplices to hate crimes in the most horrific atrocities of genocide and murder of over millions of people; this kind of hate and insecurities has planted itself in the warped mind and lost soul of an old wannabe fascist dictator.
The danger and threat to democracy have never been greater because the modern tools used for brainwashing victims have been deployed upon the masses; the sexual grooming into compromised behaviors, forced religion, incitement into delusions of grandeur in hate and blame, the uncaring and callous ruthlessness of ignorant bravado, the covering up abuses, rot and corruption in veneers of non-existent greatness, and endless doubling down on hate, liabilities and incompetence spelling dangerous disasters and economic and moral bankruptcies.
His toxic rot of hate and corruption poisons his followers like cancer, rotting the body and dementing the mind.
Lost souls turned wretched, walking the valley of death before their time.
Before them, endless dunes of desert starved of Life, constantly thirsting but only drinking in the quicksands of hate and lies, worshiping false idols, and seeking mirages of grandeur and power in the perfection of skin color, dry and wrinkled in the sands of time.
How in the most powerful and prosperous country can these wretched masses be in constant “the sky is falling” states of fear, hateful and ungrateful, and trashing real heroes and what is dear?
And running around causing harm everywhere.
When in times of emergency, such as natural disasters from hurricanes, we have in the past all come together to pitch in and help out like a good person and good Christian should.
Yet again where are we?
Instead of thanking first responders and meteorologists, and donating and helping out, we are threatening their lives over a made-up pack of lies.
Is this America?
Have we fallen so low into depravity that we neither have the decency nor charity to lend a helping hand in times of need?
Is this America?
Where brainwashed officials cheat and prevent our votes so their corrupt, wannabe dictator candidate can win and permanently strip women of their basic fundamental rights to make decisions about their bodies.
Is this America?
Where we have to listen to this wannabe dictator whine about himself and play the world’s smallest violin dozens of times in one long and boring distorted speech, and if we were to play along and mimic its play, we would likely rub our fingers to the bone from playing the tiniest violin too long.
How is this America?