Friday, September 27, 2024


Once you’ve crossed the Rubicon, the die 🎲 is cast.

No amount of blame or lame excuses will change where the dominos will fall.

However outrageous the lies or criminal the schemes, still will not change the ocean tides.

Some might be fooled by lies and bluster but not everyone will be blinded or blindsided.

An example of this fact is in the polling numbers which are based on the opinions of the constituents, not on the opinions of the candidates.


Getting mad at everyone with an opinion about a poll or debate is unreasonable, especially when the consensus is lopsided.

It is delusional to believe that the propaganda and brainwashing in lies is working, especially when the polls say otherwise.

Not everyone finds it appealing to be lied to and hoodwinked by lies.

Some find it a major turn off to be disrespected and manipulated with lies, lame excuses, and offensive remarks.

Furthermore, some find those offensive and hateful remarks repugnant, callous and uncouth.

Find it embarrassing to have such a shameful person representing what used to be a respectable party.

Where the bar has dropped so low felons and convicts are now them.

Some find the utter hypocrisy of Christian acting in hate and fear of Satan an oxymoron and completely unchristian.

Honest people should not be crucified for speaking truth to power, especially when there are more of us than you think.

Just take a look at the debate opinions of honest and dishonest people and still there is a lopsided consensus as to who won and who lost.


Because the truth is the truth.

When we are honest the truth can cut through all the noise, lies, blame, and lame excuses.

Disrespecting women and committing the heinous act of rape are reflections of the abuser's dishonor, sacrilege, and crimes against human...