Thursday, January 30, 2025


If you have lost your soul, you have lost what truly matters. 

Any conquest, victory, or achievement becomes meaningless. 

In the end, there will be nothing but damnation—the ultimate loss.

Therefore, seek the path of salvation and enlightenment. 

Life is not about winning or losing; it is about the journey of expressing yourself with gratitude, love, and respect through your actions. 

It involves learning to become the person that the Lord intended for you to be, walking and living with the Holy Spirit, and fulfilling your purpose or covenant with the Lord. 

Make sure you have not strayed too far from the path of the holy and righteous. 

If you have sinned, confess, repent, and atone before it is too late.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Committing atrocities, especially severe violations and desecrations of the temple of the Holy Spirit, such as rape, causes the unholy sinner to open up a hell within themselves, inviting the shadow of the Agonies.

Collecting trophies of their heinous crimes is nothing but grandiose delusions and getting off on their own damnations and Agonies of hell within them.

Not only will their trophies in impurities of heart prevent them from entering heaven, but their aggravated and heinous sins also destroy their humanity. 

By forsaking their connection with the Holy, the unholy sinners expose themselves to the Agonies of hell.

Sinners, especially cardinal sinners, must fully confess, repent, and atone for each one of their sins before death to avoid extreme Agonies.

Monday, January 27, 2025

The Agonies


The Agonies are spiritual pain and suffering while in the throes of spiritual death.

The greater the harm, the sin, and unrepentant unholy practices, the greater the Agonies.  

Behind imprisonment of excessive, continuous, and aggravated sins, guilt, and shame, the unholy sinner cannot connect to the holy or real love without experiencing the Agonies.

The Agonies for the unrepentant unholy sinner will become exponentially greater as time passes. 

If an unholy abuser sinner does not repent in time, then at death the Agonies will be permanent.


Garage in = garbage out

Best practices in = best results out

Unholy practices in = harm out

Holy practices in = grace out

Unholy existence in = damnation out

Holy existence in = holy existence out

Collection of unholy acts in = Agonies  +  

                       damning consequences out

Collection of holy acts in = deeds + 

                                                blessings out

Saturday, January 25, 2025


Do you realize that when abusers deliberately abuse that which belongs to the Lord then the abusers are disrespecting the Lord in sacrilege?  

The same goes for dishonoring a person's temple of the Holy Spirit in blasphemy.

It also means that your real men cannot protect their women (or your assets, friendlies, and citizens) when harm comes in the form of hypocrites pretending to be righteous but, in fact, are nothing but unholy rapists- cockroaches disrespecting us, the Lord, and the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, January 23, 2025


**Why do abusers believe that there is control through abuse and sin?**

Sins trap the guilty behind a veil of sacrilege and crimes against humanity. 

The negative energy generated by the intent to harm shrouds the sinner's soul in unholy thoughts. 

When a sin is committed, it erodes the sinner's humanity, transforming them into embodiments of their wrongdoing.

From the distorted perspective of those who abuse power, the deadly sins of lust, greed, and cruelty blind them to anything beyond their insatiable wants and desires. 

There is never a genuine connection; only an attachment to their sins and delusional power trips fueled by lust and greed.

So, where does this illusion of control and power originate? 

Is it found in the abuse of power and the ability to commit crimes and atrocities? 

Is it in turning themselves into sinners, liars, rapists, or even terrorists, like cockroaches and parasites?

In reality, abusers/sinners are out of control, lost in their dishonorable, disgraceful, and crimes against humanity, weighed down and imprisoned by the shame of their disrespectable illicit sins.

There is no collaboration with the abusers, only harm, destruction, and prevention of lights.

There is no real reading through the eyes of sins and no comprehension through minds in the gutter.  

So, where is the control or power?

When there is no intelligence, no knowledge, or understanding, there is no comprehension and no power, only ignorance and harm.  

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Disrespecting women and committing the heinous act of rape are reflections of the abuser's dishonor, sacrilege, and crimes against humanity – not the victim's. 

The disgrace and shame belong to the perpetrator, not the victim. 

The tainted and unholy aura of the rapist stems from the abuser, not from the innocent victim.

Therefore unholy aura imprisons the perpetrator its guilty of sins and will keep the unholy sinner from receiving any positive connections including love.

These sinful and disgraceful acts of sexual abuse will mark the sinner for the agonies of hell, as the abuser has forsaken what is holy for the carnal deadly sins of lust and abuse.

Thursday, January 16, 2025


Now imagine if the destroyers, at the time of the discovery flight, had decided to tamper with the design of Orville and Wilbur Wright’s airplane, preventing its making this breakthrough and scrapping the idea of flight.

What would be the consequences of such destruction? 

What would happen if airplanes were never developed? 

How could the destruction of flight make a country more powerful or less when its existence never came to be?

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Imagine if the destroyers, at the time of penicillin's discovery, had decided to destroy Alexander Fleming's lab, preventing him from making this breakthrough. 

What would be the consequences of such destruction? 

What would happen if antibiotics were never developed? 

How could the destruction of healing treatments or cures make a country more powerful?

Sunday, January 12, 2025


The battle between good and evil is in the movement of the tides in waves of life;

Not in the control or power over surfers or surfboards.  

Though the powerful like to imagine themselves chess masters, where surfers are nothing but pawns to be moved about on a tiny board only the ignorant can see, seeing only the minutiae and the mundane.

After the ruthless plays, what happens in the battle between good and evil?  

Where does your soul end up?  

Does your character even add up to honor, decency, dignity, and the values taught by Christ?

Saturday, January 11, 2025


We must uphold the highest standards in defending the sanctity of the temples of the Holy Spirit and everything that belongs to the Lord. 

It is essential to take seriously the heinous violations, especially when those violations inflict excessive and aggravated harm on victims and result in damnation and severe consequences for the abusers.

The honorable must stand against heinous behaviors reminiscent of Sodom and Gomorrah and strongly defend against acts of desecration and harm.

We must protect the purity of our hearts, especially our children’s hearts from being compromised by manipulative behaviors associated with unholy, lewd, and unclean acts from the agents of Satan.

Stronger measures need to be implemented, and the values of honor must be restored in our land and our society.

Friday, January 10, 2025


When you have destroyed your humanity, you have destroyed your salvation.

The purpose of life is not a game, nor is it the conquest of anyone or anything that belongs to the Lord.

As stewards of the Earth, we have a responsibility to defend it for not just our children, but future generations.

The allure in trappings of wealth and power are just that, trappings of sins of the mundane, never of the Lord.

Wealth and power are to be welded to serve humanity's needs and not that of an individual.  

We are to leave the world a better place, not leave it an inhabitable wasteland of battlefields driven by unholy power and insatiable greed.

Let us then not forsake our purpose and the armor of God and the Holy Spirit, defend and nurture our humanity, receive salvation, and truly make a better world for our children and future generations.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


I am a child of the Lord, as are we all.

When we forsake our humanity, we also forsake the Lord.

The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

When we disrespect, dishonor, or violate a person’s body without their consent, we desecrate the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Without the love and peace of the Holy Spirit, we cannot form real connections with ourselves or with others, and we cannot truly love.

Though we have a natural respect for humanity in our fellowship, we also earn respect by honorably serving our unique purposes in life.

We lose respect, honor, and holiness, when we abuse, violate, or desecrate a person's body and spirit without consent.

Such desecrations and ongoing abuses are nothing but damnable acts of dishonorable conduct and crimes against humanity.

Not only do the desecrations cause unholy injuries to the victim, but those violations also turn the perpetrator’s heart, mind, and soul impure, unholy, and damned.

Because this level of damnation is so severe, so heinous and sinful, not only will the violations and sins bar the perpetrator rapist from heaven, but will also cause fire-and-brimstone agonies for all eternity.*

The agonies will live in the unholy soul of the sinner and will consume them and burn them when connected to love and anything holy.

Imagine never having love or forming true connections to loved ones. 

To prevent this sad and pitiful fate, we must keep purity of heart, protect our loved ones, respect, and honor one another, and seek salvation.

We must also hold accountable those who would disrespect or dishonor anyone in order to prevent desecrations of any temple of the Holy Spirit.

*Jude 1:7

Sunday, January 5, 2025


What is our mission in this life? 

What is our purpose? 

Is it to fulfill the Lord's promise, or to achieve some sort of conquest? 

Does it even serve a purpose to conquer the world if we forsake our salvation? 

At the end of the day, what will matter most? 



Personal gains?

Without love, without fellowship, without salvation, what have you gained?

Friday, January 3, 2025


Even if the victim or the Lord forgives a perpetrator, that individual will still remain incompatible with heaven.

Because the forgiving actions of the victim or the Lord are not the actions of the rapist who is still a cockroach in his unholy, unclean, unrepentant sins and heinous abusive violations.

Redemption is not solely about forgiveness granted by the victim or the non-sinner; it fundamentally hinges on the sinner’s ability to repent and seek salvation.

Salvation is impossible if a sinner is unrepentant, especially if the perpetrator takes pleasure in continuously harming and violating an innocent person without consent.

Why is this the case?

Because rape represents a profound desecration—an aggravated abuse that violates a person and disrespects the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Rape inflicts deep harm on the victim and leads the abuser to become unholy, inhumane, and inconsiderate, ultimately resulting in being damned in both mind and soul, entwined with the depths of hell.

Moreover, abusers often reject the possibility of salvation and redemption by deluding themselves into believing they are saved and forgiven through faith in Christ.

However, faith without meaningful action—particularly behaviors that are appropriate, decent, and aligned with one’s beliefs—is hypocritical and ultimately meaningless.

Thus, the ability of the Lord or the victim to forgive does not guarantee that the sinner will receive forgiveness or salvation.

Therefore, rape, as an extreme violation of victims and a desecration of the Lord's temples, perpetuates a profoundly damned culture, devoid of forgiveness or redemption.

Finally, rape violates spiritual law, where purity of heart is required to see the Lord;*

and one must possess the heart of a child to enter heaven, where Christ says, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."**

In addition, the unholy act desecrates the temple of the Holy Spirit in an unforgivable manner, all leading to damnation.

In order to have salvation, we must have a culture where purity of heart is possible and protected.  

Rapists must be held accountable to the highest level of deterrent and to each count of continuous aggravated abuses and violations.  

Otherwise, the rapes will create a rape culture which will create damnation for all involved, associated, and complicit in the heinous rape sins and crimes.

*Matthew 5:8

**Matthew 18:3

  If you could see through the eyes of holy humanity, would you view salvation as a game and see individuals as mere conquests? What about f...