Sunday, September 22, 2024


The strange thing about toxic masculinity is this weird inability to man up.

What is weirder is the constant blame on others, other than the self for his own toxic actions.  

Now, if it was the other person's fault and that person made him, then would it not suggest that the victim had the control and power* instead of him?

Then there is the making of lame excuses in threats and aggression to cover up insecurities, fears, incompetence, and cowardice, usually in an exhausting, never-ending cycle of lame. 

Between the lame excuses and blaming in great scapegoat fashion, there is this grandiose belief in the perfection of the Neanderthal man.

Why would anyone think being a Neanderthal is perfect? 

This passé and toxic notion in a pre-civilization ideal and the constant feeding of the beast of sins in abuse of power to force and maintain this grandiose image of a Neanderthal will only result in harm to the modern masculine male and the victims of his forced ideal.

In the end, his life is wasted on an image, not of the perfection of a man but the toxic imperfection of a Neanderthal without the ability to man up, take responsibility for his actions, and do the honorable and right things in life.

*Note: Power and control is a grandiose and unholy delusion based upon fear and insecurities in hate, usually resulting in out of control behavior.

Disrespecting women and committing the heinous act of rape are reflections of the abuser's dishonor, sacrilege, and crimes against human...