Wednesday, September 25, 2024


The key to understanding the earlier questions is empathy.

Empathy is required to get someone’s number, to understand a person well enough to know their weaknesses and Achilles heel or kryptonite.

And understanding someone’s kryptonite is important to winning any battle and any debate.  

More importantly, empathy is vital to identifying a problem, getting it to the heart of it, and being able to solve it.

Empathy allows you to go beyond the superficial to the substantive issues at hand.

Without empathy, empaths cannot correctly predict any outcome, pronogistate, or apprehend anyone's mental and emotional state.

Without empathy, one cannot fully understand the world today nor can one understand the pulse of what's happening.

Without empathy, we stumble blindly through life or into any situation without understanding or feeling for what is vital.

This loss of feel for what matters will ultimately cause the unemphatic to lose their way.

Failure to see beyond one’s ignorance is to be lost in ignorance and be rudderless without direction towards what matters.

Without empathy, there is no sight.

No sight of the present and no foresight of the future.

To be without empathy is to go blind, without feel for anything, and to go into situations blind.

Blocking empathy with the ruthless force of ignorance and cruelty is to block any chance of sight, insight, enlightenment, and sustained success in winning.

Therefore, empathy is the key to winning, because it gives sight to any situation, insight into any problem, and enlightenment to any ignorance.

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