Rape culture is a damned culture.
Damned because it involves the violation and desecration of a person's body, which is considered a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Agonies await those who rape and abuse.
The heinous and monstrous abusers trap themselves in toxic sins and crimes against humanity.
These unholy abusers will never experience true love; instead, the abusers will see and feel in objectification only projections of their own sins and delusions.
Anyone who colludes with or is complicit in the heinous act of rape will face severe consequences, ultimately finding themselves unforgiven in the aftermath of their violations against the victim, the Holy Spirit, and humanity.
Anyone who colludes with or enables these atrocious acts will also face severe repercussions, ultimately finding themselves unforgiven for their violations against the victim, the Holy Spirit, and humanity as a whole.
We must stop the grooming and downplaying of rape, which is one of the most grievous crimes against humanity and a corruption of the purity of heart required for salvation.
We must hold rapists accountable for each of their crimes against humanity and recognize the damning nature of their actions.
We need to have a culture of honor, decency, and mutual respect based upon the teachings of Christ, not on the corruption in the sins of Satan.