Sunday, December 29, 2024


Rape culture is a damned culture.

Damned because it involves the violation and desecration of a person's body, which is considered a temple of the Holy Spirit.

Agonies await those who rape and abuse.

The heinous and monstrous abusers trap themselves in toxic sins and crimes against humanity. 

These unholy abusers will never experience true love; instead, the abusers will see and feel in objectification only projections of their own sins and delusions. 

Anyone who colludes with or is complicit in the heinous act of rape will face severe consequences, ultimately finding themselves unforgiven in the aftermath of their violations against the victim, the Holy Spirit, and humanity.

Anyone who colludes with or enables these atrocious acts will also face severe repercussions, ultimately finding themselves unforgiven for their violations against the victim, the Holy Spirit, and humanity as a whole.

We must stop the grooming and downplaying of rape, which is one of the most grievous crimes against humanity and a corruption of the purity of heart required for salvation.

We must hold rapists accountable for each of their crimes against humanity and recognize the damning nature of their actions.

We need to have a culture of honor, decency, and mutual respect based upon the teachings of Christ, not on the corruption in the sins of Satan.

Friday, December 27, 2024


Negative energy is inherently negative.

Positive energy is inherently positive.

Negative energy does not magically transform into positive energy, just as what is unholy does not become holy on its own.

There is no connection between the holy and the unholy, or between the positive and the negative.

Therefore, it is impossible to understand or comprehend light or any holy truths from the depths of hell or from eyes blinded by lust, greed, and sin.

For abusers, who are constantly trapped in negative and unholy energy, the idea of controlling positive energy and claiming what belongs to the Lord is both naive and absurd.

Regularly committing sacrilegious acts against the holy temple of the Holy Spirit does not grant power to the unholy; rather, it makes them more abusive, depraved, and condemned.

Why do those committing destructive and criminal acts, such as terrorists, believe that true power lies in abuse, damnation, and instilling fear of Satan?

True power resides in knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom—not in dishonor, abusive ignorance, and damnation.

The future is shaped by the present.

If your present self is negative and unholy, then your future self will not only continue to embody negativity and unholiness but will likely face even greater consequences for accumulating crimes against humanity and sins.

Victims of abuse and desecration are not the sinners and have committed no wrongs.

However, those who conspire, collude, and are complicit with the abusers in desecrating the temple of the Holy Spirit are guilty of each unholy sin and act of abuse against the victim.

Where is your present self on the scale of humanity and justice?

Are you holy or unholy?

Acceptable or unacceptable to the Lord and the Holy Spirit?

Will Jesus Christ even recognize and know who you are?

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy Holidays! 🕯️


It's time.

It's time for love.

It's time for hope.

It's time for joy.

It's time for peace—a peace that comes from the love of the Holy Spirit.

It's time for Christmas!

Let us celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ through expressions of love, hope, joy, and peace in the gifts we give to one another.

Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy Holidays! 🕯️


Monday, December 23, 2024

Because the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, any abuse, such as intentional infestation of parasites and sexual abuse, is sacrilegious and a desecration.

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? 

You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies".

                   - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

If the body is abused, then you dishonor the Lord with your dishonorable and depraved conduct.

Sunday, December 22, 2024


Let's consider a scenario where the management tried to increase factory production.

First, the management decided to turn off the lights, then put the operators and computers to sleep, and when that didn't work, in retaliation, the management tried to destroy the factory.

After the destruction, management still did not increase production, called an emergency meeting to discuss the decrease, and ceased production.

Management decided to increase pressure and retaliate against the poor results of the operators and workers by abusing and applying cruel and unusual methods to force them to work harder.

The results were even more dismissal as the operators and workers became sick and had to be hospitalized for their injuries.

Management was pissed.  

How do these lazy workers expect to get any work done if they were out sick all the time?

Greater measure of punishment was needed.

So management came up with greater cruel and unusual treatments to infest the workplace with more parasites and increased harassment, abuses, and threats.   

This would definitely get the workers and operators to start producing again, thought management.  

This time not only were the workers and operators out sick, they had to be hospitalized for life threatening injuries.  

Management was furious.  

How many excuses can these lazy workers make for being out sick?

Greater punishment must be dished out.

In the scenario, what do you think of management?

How would you like to work under these conditions?

And do you think you would do better?

Friday, December 20, 2024

Let's consider a scenario where you're trying to appeal to donors for contributions.

Would you resort to insulting, threatening, abusing, or torturing your donors?

Do you really believe that using aggressive tactics and mistreatment will encourage donors to give, or increase their donations? 

Similarly, if your goal is to motivate employees to work more efficiently and effectively, do you think that harassing, abusing, or gaslighting them will lead to better results?

What about treating your assets, allies, and citizens poorly? 

Do you think they will become more productive and loyal if these kinds of atrocities are committed against them?

How would such mistreatments and crimes against humanity reflect upon you?

Thursday, December 19, 2024


Can you imagine a husband that drugs and rapes his wife everyday for years? 

And then invite other men also rape her for years? 

Luckily the French court held this monster of a cockroach responsible.

Otherwise, the world may think them and the government as heinous, monstrous, and unholy as him who should have respected, honored, and cherished her, his wife and woman.

Can you imagine anyone or government as heinous and monstrous?

Can those who desecrate the temple of the Holy Spirit truly claim what belongs to the Lord and make its inhabitant their slave? 

What happens to the souls of those who desecrate the temple of the Holy Spirit? 

In this scenario, who is the real slave of Satan, bound by sins of lust, greed, and depraved harm?

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


No matter what game you play, keep in mind that the final play is with the Lord.

Every move you make brings you closer to salvation or further away from it.

If you allow negative thoughts, behaviors, or actions to enter your life, those negatives will weigh you down and imprison your soul in negativity and sin.

This will make it more difficult for you to overcome challenges, find a balance, or feel inspired.

And every move from the point of negativity and sin will move further away from salvation and make it more difficult to make meaningful connections.

Therefore, keep your thoughts, behaviors, and actions positive.

Avoid the damnation problems and sinful harm.  

That way, your every play is acceptable to the Lord and will be a pathway to salvation.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Unforgivable Sin

"Therefore, I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.”  

— Matthew 12:31  

**What is Blasphemy?**

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, blasphemy is defined as:

1. The act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for the Lord, our God.

2. The act of claiming the attributes of a deity.

3. Irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable.

In today's society, many people are led to believe that sexually abusing or violating another person is a forgivable sin.  

But is it?  

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?”  

— 1 Corinthians 6:19  

The lack of reverence displayed through sexual abuse, and the harm caused by desecrating a person's body— which is the temple of the Holy Spirit— constitutes an unforgivable sin.  

When you dishonor someone through sexual abuse or rape, you also dishonor the Lord.  

As a child of God, you belong to the Lord, as do all things on earth. Your body, specifically, is a temple of the Holy Spirit.  

Therefore, dishonoring and desecrating a person's body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, is not only a grave sin but also an unforgivable one.  

To avoid the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, your behaviors, actions, and laws should reflect the gravity and heinousness of the unforgivable unholy sins of sexual abuse and rape of the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Thus, it is essential for one's salvation to vigorously respect, reverence, and defend the honor of a person’s body, including your own.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Cleansing Prayer


Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we pray that the cleansing power of the precious blood of Your Son come upon us right now.

Purify us and wash us clean with the blood of Jesus from the top of our heads down to the very soles of our feet. 

Let this blood penetrate the very marrow of our bones to cleanse us from any entanglement from whatever evil spirits we have come in contact with during the course of our intercession. 

Anoint us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and refresh our body, soul, and spirit, and may the sign of Your holy cross drive away all evil spirits from us.

In the Name of the Father + and the Son and of the Holy Spirit. 



Cleansing Prayer 


Sexual abuse, especially rape, is no laughing or fun matter.  

Raping is a deadly sin of lust in the extreme sacrilege of violating the temple of the Holy Spirit; therefore, extremely damning.

Deadly sins cause massive changes where the sinner's soul becomes damned, and his heart and mind become impure and covered with gross sins of lust and damnation.  

The rapist-turned-cockroach is no longer connected to humanity or the Holy Spirit because walled off by deadly sins of lust and delusions of power and control. 

There is no control when the sinner is controlled by sin and Satan or abusive energy.

And where power is subjugated by sin and Satan or abusive energy.

There is no love or fellowship because there is no consent.  

There are only unholy sins and damnation for the sinner and anyone groomed and corrupted into deadly sins of lust and damnation.

Switching out the blessings of the Lord, the teachings of Jesus Christ, and lights, for unholy pillage and plunder of the temple of the Holy Spirit is sacrilegious and damning.  

There is no intelligence, no wisdom, and no productivity in rape, sexual abuse, or harassment, only damning sins and crimes against humanity.  

Raping, sexually abusing, or harassing citizens is not protecting them from harm; on the contrary, it is inflicting and promoting harm.  

The shame and dishonor are on the perpetrator, not the victim, because the deadly unholy sins are reflections of the sinner’s crimes and character, not the victim’s.

The grooming, corrupting, and raping must stop if there are to be any real connections to the Holy Spirit and paths of salvation and not damnation.

Look into your soul and see where you are in your heart of hearts.  

If all you see are sins of lust then that is all you will be.

Clean up these Sodom and Gomorrah sins before irreparable damage is done to your children and grandchildren.

They should not grow up not knowing the love and peace of the Holy Spirit and the blessings of the Lord.  

Do not switch out love and peace, and healing lights with unholy sins of lust.

Instead, remove the abusers and hold accountable the rapists so that the continuous sins in unholy crimes and destruction of blessings and lights will stop and lights, redemption, and salvation are once again made possible.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


If you are being raped by your husband, would you consider yourself safe in your own home?

If your child was being molested at church or school, would you consider your child safe and protected?

Who thinks sexual abuse, assault, rape, or molestation in supposed sacred spaces is safe or protected?  

The truth is any kind of unsafe practice or violation makes it unsafe for the victim and has consequences for all in that the same can easily happen to anyone in a rape and damned culture.  

How would you like the same abuse to happen to you or your loved ones?

Answer the question and know how heinous sexual abuse crimes are to the victims.  

And how many more victims are there, especially when groomed to be accepting of sins of lust and depraved behaviors?

When there is no honor, only sexual abuse crimes, there is no safety.  

There are no green zones, only red zones of dishonor.


Sunday, December 8, 2024

We, the people, must hold public servants to higher standards of duty and honor their sworn word in their oath of office.

Loyalty should first be to the Lord and the people, not to any Caesar.

Life is already challenging enough without adding ignorance, hatred, and foolishness.

If the economy is the top concern for the people, then the introduction of power struggles and negativity only complicates matters. 

Implementing Ponzi schemes that are destined to collapse is not a sustainable way to build a lasting foundation of prosperity.

We should learn from history and avoid repeating unsustainable practices, such as the tyranny in Syria, which led to many atrocities and its collapse.

We ought to invest our energies in nurturing talent and encouraging self-expression, rather than getting caught up in power struggles rooted in ignorance, insecurities, and fear.

And follow wise and competent experts in their fields instead of constantly needing fixers to fix self-sabotaging issues that would never have arisen if following intelligence, to begin with.

If we at all times follow the Holy Spirit, the best outcomes of peace and prosperity will naturally happen.

And the path and foundation of salvation for people, especially for the children, the next generation, will be clearly lighted and easily followed.

Let us not devolve; instead, evolve into enlightenment with the Lord.

Saturday, December 7, 2024


Spirituality requires purity of heart.  

Impurities block your spirit from connecting to the holy, to love and peace, to positive emotions and attributes.

Those blockages will impact relationships, including those with your children.

Impure hearts create unclean minds and, even worse, manifest as delusions of grandeur in abusive exercises of power, causing harm, pain, and suffering.

Delusions of grandeur are not relationships and abuses of power are not control.

Without purity of heart, there is no way to see the Lord or connect to the Holy Spirit, or enter Heaven's Gate.

Without the ability to see anything holy, you cannot see with clear eyes, and if sinful, then you will see through eyes covered by sin.

Then your choices and decisions will be based upon those judgments, not with the holy, but what those eyes can see covered in prejudice or sin.

Because we must be able to receive salvation, we need to periodically check ourselves to make sure that our hearts are pure and we have purity of heart.

If the check involves looking deeply in the mirror and prayers of confession to the Lord (and for those that are mystical aura checks), then we need to regularly go for these spiritual checkups to make sure we are still within line with the Lord.

Because if we cannot tell the difference between holy and unholy, good and bad, then how do we expect to teach our children to know the difference and guide them towards the path of salvation rather than damnation?

In damnation is a terrible way to die, because then the damnation becomes unredeemable.

Therefore, we should make haste to make peace with the Lord as soon as possible before we die so that we can be saved.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Sexual abuse is not true sexuality because the abuse twists the sexual into the depraved (sins of lust and abuse).

Therefore, sexual abuse is not sexualizing, but terrorizing and grooming into Sodom Gomorrah sins of lust and heinous crimes against humanity.

And sexual abuse is not a turn-on for the victim and honorable persons; but major turn-offs and abuses in harm.

And turn abusers into cockroaches, not sexual (but abusive) and definitely not spiritual (but damned) beings.

No connection between the abusers and the victim, and definitely no relationship; the abuser is connected to the sins of lust and power trips in damnations, not to anyone person.

Thursday, December 5, 2024


The person who commits the crime, marked by sin and unholiness, becomes a criminal, a sinner, and an abuser as a result of their unholy actions.  

The victim, who has done nothing wrong, remains, though injured, unchanged spiritually.

What is truly tarnished is the soul of the sinner, which becomes intertwined with their cardinal sins and grave violations of honor.

The trophies of the sinner symbolize their dishonorable, disreputable, and reprehensible actions, not those of the victim. 

The trophies reflect the unholy nature of the sinner's choices, their sins, and their depraved unholy nature.

The more trophies, the more collections of damnation and criminal and sinful counts of dishonor and crimes against humanity.

Trophies are not notches on one’s belt but symbolize the sinner's pathetic shame and inability to behave honorably and decently.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024


Why do dishonorable and unholy sexual abusers think that as a cockroach it's more powerful or that there is more control in getting off on dishonor, sinful abuses, and live in sin?

Sexual abusers only have relationships with themselves and their sins; it's never a two-way street without consent.

How do sexual abusers live with themselves when abusing in front of the Holy Spirit as a Witness, dishonorable, unholy, and unclean?

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Spiritual law strictly forbids any form of desecration of the Lord's temple.

Grooming individuals, especially children, to believe that any form of sexual abuse is acceptable is profoundly unholy and damaging.

Those with unclean minds and impure hearts will never see the Lord or be compatible with heaven.

Trophying anyone reflects one's sin. The abusive power to harm others and take what rightfully belongs to the Lord, under the illusion that such theft and abuse will lead to control, is a delusion.

Those who engage in abusive power ultimately lose control of sin and Satan.

The harm caused by sexual abuse and rape constitutes heinous crimes against humanity. Desecrating the victim's temple is a cruel violation that causes anguish, extreme pain, and suffering.

Conversely, abusers trap themselves in the darkness of hell, corrupting and damning their souls and minds. They become disconnected from reality, succumbing only to their sins of lust and the trophies of their power trips.

Trophies are mere objects that do not represent honor, respect, or love, which signify not conquest but desecrations rooted in sacrilege and damnation due to abuse and crimes against humanity.

There is nothing noble in abusing power or anyone, especially women and children.

The reason foreign adversaries do not respect your women, wives, sisters, and daughters is that you do not respect, honor, or defend them.

Compromised behaviors make sexual abusers—both men and women—easy targets for blackmail and treason.

Spiritual law is clear.  

Sexual abusers and rapists will never enter Heaven because impure hearts block the ability to see the Lord, and thus see and enter Heaven’s Gate.  

This is extremely damning—akin to the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah.

It is never acceptable to touch anyone without explicit consent, especially when such touches are inappropriate, harassing, or unwanted. 

It is also never acceptable to touch someone’s belongings without permission. 

Most importantly, it is not okay to desecrate someone's temple, for that temple belongs to the Lord.

Disrespecting women and committing the heinous act of rape are reflections of the abuser's dishonor, sacrilege, and crimes against human...