Thursday, October 31, 2024

The Curse Of Whinehood


What is happening to our men?

Are men becoming great victims of toxic masculinity?

Abuse of power, weak dominance, and forced aggression serve only as pathetic models for a dishonorable existence and a state of perpetual whinehood.

Abuse of power is not true power; it is rooted in ignorance, not knowledge.

Weak dominance does not equate to excellence; it reflects grandiose delusions masked as power.

Forced aggression is not genuine bravery; it is cowardice that lacks consent and is dishonorable in every sense.

Blaming women, Puerto Ricans, immigrants, and others for their problems, while whining about practically everything, does not define a man.

Turning manhood into a toxic, pathetic state of whinehood achieves nothing.

Whinehood, regardless of how it's dressed up—whether in a garbage man costume, as the devil, a pumpkin, or a clown—will not enhance any man's sense of manhood.

Cosplay is not real; it is make-believe.

And whinehood is merely a pathetic form of make-believe.

Where are the honorable knights in shining armor?

Where are the real men who are honorable, brave, decent, and true—those who will genuinely protect a woman’s honor and defend her from harm?

Have they all succumbed to toxic masculinity and the curse of whinehood?

Now Is The Time


Now is the time for every patriot to vote:

Vote for freedom and democracy.

Vote for freedom and end governmental intrusions on a woman's body.

Vote for freedom and end gun violence in our schools and on our streets.

Vote for freedom and fight climate change and save our planet.

Vote for freedom and the freedom to love who we are and be who we are.

Vote for freedom and freedom from hate and fear, for we are love and one of, and by the Lord, we are E Pluribus Unum.

Vote for freedom and freedom from ignorance and lies to wisdom and true truth, for true power is in knowledge, and true truth is with the holy.

Vote for the better inclinations of humanity, not the worse. 

Lift our spirits to the Lord, and see the promise within each of us to be a child of love and peace and caring stewards of the earth. 

Vote and make the world a better place for everyone and future generations.

Vote for patriots Harris and Walz.


Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Ellipse Speech


Vice President Kamala Harris

Good evening, everyone. 

Good evening, and thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives.

Thank you.  Thank you. 

Thank you, everyone. 

So listen, one week from today, you will have the chance to make a decision that directly impacts your life, the life of your family, and the future of this country we love.

And it will probably be the most important vote you ever cast. 

And this election is more than just a choice between two parties and two different candidates. 

It is a choice about whether we have a country rooted in freedom for every American or ruled by chaos and division.

Many of you watching have probably already cast your ballots. But I know many others are still considering who to vote for, or whether you’ll vote at all. 

So tonight, I will speak to everyone about the choice and the stakes in this election. 

Look, we know who Donald Trump is. He is the person who stood at this very spot nearly four years ago and sent an armed mob to the United States Capitol to overturn the will of the people in a free and fair election – an election that he knew he lost. 

Americans died as a result of that attack. 

140 law enforcement officers were injured because of that attack. 

And while Donald Trump sat in the White House watching as the violence unfolded on television, he was told by his staff that the mob wanted to kill his own vice President, and Donald Trump responded with two words. 

“So what?” 

America, that’s who Donald Trump is. And that’s who is asking you to give him another four years in the Oval Office – not to focus on your problems, but to focus on his.

And Donald Trump has told us his priorities for a second term. He has an enemies list of people he intends to prosecute. 

He says that one of his highest priorities is to set free the violent extremists who insulted those law enforcement officers on January 6. 

Donald Trump intends to use the United States military against American citizens who simply disagree with him, people he calls, quote, “the enemy from within.” 

America, this is not a candidate for president who is thinking about how to make your life better. 

This is someone who is unstable, obsessed with revenge, consumed with grievance and out for unchecked power. 

Donald Trump has spent a decade trying to keep the American people divided and afraid of each other. That is who he is. 

But, America, I am here tonight to say that is not who we are. That is not who we are! 

That is not who we are! 

You say what Donald Trump has never understood is that E Pluribus Unum, “out of many, one” isn’t just a phrase on a $1 bill. 

It is a living truth about the heart of our nation. 

Our democracy, it doesn’t require us to agree on everything. In fact, we like good arguments from time to time.

Just think of your own family, right? 

It’s not the American way to not have disagreements. We don’t shy away from robust debate, robust debate. 

In fact, we like a good debate, don’t we? We like a good debate. 

And the fact that someone disagrees with us does not make them the enemy within. 

They are family, neighbors, classmates, coworkers. They are fellow Americans. 

And as Americans, we rise and fall together. 

America for too long, we have been consumed with too much division, chaos and mutual distrust, and it can be easy then to forget a simple truth. It doesn’t have to be this way. 

It doesn’t have to be this way. 

It is time to stop pointing fingers. We have to stop pointing fingers and start locking arms. 

It is time to turn the page on the drama and the conflict, the fear and division. 

It is time for a new generation of leadership in America, and I am ready to offer that leadership as the next President of the United States of America. 

Now, look, let me say, let me say, I recognize this has not been a typical campaign. 

Even though I’ve had the honor of serving as your vice president for the last four years, I know, but I know that many of you are still getting to know who I am. 

Well, let me tell you, I am someone who has spent most of my career outside of Washington, DC, so I know that not all the good ideas come from here. 

I am not afraid of tough fights against bad actors and powerful interests. 

Because for decades as a prosecutor and a top law enforcement officer of our biggest state, I won fights against big banks that ripped off homeowners, against for profit, colleges that scammed veterans and students, against predators who abused women and children and cartels that trafficked in guns, drugs and human beings. 

And I did this work because for as long as I can remember, I have always had an instinct to protect. 

There’s something about people being treated unfairly or overlooked that, frankly, just gets to me. I don’t like it. 

It’s what my mother instilled in me, a drive to hold accountable those who use their wealth or power to take advantage of other people, the drive to protect hard working Americans who aren’t always seen or heard and deserve a voice. 

And I will tell you, that is the kind of President I will be.

And look, I’ll be honest with you, I’m not perfect. I make mistakes. But here’s what I promise you: I will always listen to you, even if you don’t vote for me. 

I will always tell you the truth, even if it is difficult to hear. 

I will work every day to build consensus and reach compromise to get things done. 

And if you give me the chance to fight on your behalf, there is nothing in the world that will stand in my way. 

So look, in less than 90 days, either Donald Trump, or I will be in the Oval Office.

And on day one if elected, on day one, if elected, Donald Trump would walk into that office with an enemies list. 

When elected, I will walk in with a to-do list;

Full of priorities of what I will get done for the American people. 

And I will work with everyone, Democrats, Republicans and Independents to help Americans who are working hard and still struggling to get ahead. 

I have been honored to serve as Joe Biden’s vice president, but I will bring my own experiences and ideas to the Oval Office.

My presidency will be different, because the challenges we face are different. 

Our top priority as a nation four years ago was to end the pandemic and rescue the economy. 

Now our biggest challenge is to lower costs, costs that were rising even before the pandemic, and that are still too high. I get it. 

I still remember our mother sitting at that yellow formica table late at night, cup of tea in hand, a pile of bills in front of her, trying to make it all work. 

And I’ve heard from so many of you who are facing even greater financial pressures. 

Donald Trump’s answer to you is the same as it was the last time, another trillion dollars in tax cuts for billionaires and big corporations. 

And this time he will pay for it with a 20 percent national sales tax on everything you buy that is imported.

Think about it: clothes, food, toys, cell phones – a Trump sales tax that would cost the average family nearly $4,000 more a year. 

And on top of that, you will pay even more if Donald Trump finally gets his way and repeals the Affordable Care Act – which would throw millions of Americans off their health insurance. 

And take us back to when insurance companies had the power to deny people with pre existing conditions. 

Well, we are not going back. We are not going back. 

Because we also know Donald Trump would deliver tax cuts to his billionaire donors. 

I will deliver tax cuts to working people and the middle class. 

I will make sure you have a chance not just to get by, but to get ahead because I believe in honoring the dignity of work. 

I will enact the first ever federal ban on price gouging on groceries, cap the price of insulin and Limit Out of Pocket prescription costs for all Americans. 

I will fight to make sure that hard working Americans can actually afford a place to live. 

I’ll never forget how our mother saved up and how excited she was when she could finally afford to buy our first home. 

I remember how excited she was. And I know that owning a home is not only a measure of financial security, it’s about the pride of your hard work. 

And as President, I will fight to help first time home buyers with your down payment take on the companies that are jacking up rents and build millions of new homes. 

For years, we have heard excuses about why America can’t build enough housing, enough with the excuses I’m going to cut the red tape and work with the private sector and local governments to speed up building and get it done. 

And the cost of housing isn’t the only financial pressure on middle class families. 

I’ve met so many young people who have a natural desire to parent their children well, but not always the resources to do it.

So, I’ll fight for a child tax credit to save them some money, which will also lift American children out of poverty. 

I will work to lower the cost of child care, which is out of reach for too many working families today, and for too many people in the sandwich generation who are raising young children and taking care of a parent, juggling all of it is extremely difficult. 

You know, I took care of my mother when she got sick, cooking foods, food that she had a taste for, finding clothes that would not irritate her skin. And understand, as I do, that caregiving is about dignity. 

It is about dignity. 

And currently, if you need home care and you don’t have some money to hire someone, you and your family need to deplete your savings to qualify for help, that’s just not right. 

So, we’re going to change the approach and allow Medicare to cover the cost of home care so seniors can get the help and care they need in their own homes. 

Now, Donald Trump has a different approach. He tried to cut Medicare and Social Security every year he was president. 

Look, I believe that when people have worked hard their entire life, they deserve to retire with the benefits they have earned. 

And I believe in the fundamental freedom of Americans to make decisions about their own bodies and not have their government tell them what to do. 

I will fight to restore what Donald Trump and his hand selected Supreme Court justices took away from the women of America – that today one in three women in America. 

Think about it, one in three women in America lives in a state with a Trump abortion ban – many with no exceptions, even for rape and incest. 

The idea that a woman who survives a crime of a violation to her body should not have the authority to make a decision about what happens to her body next, that is immoral, that is immoral. 

And Trump’s not done. He would ban abortion nationwide, restrict access to birth control and put IVF treatments at risk and force states to monitor women’s pregnancies. 

Just Google Project 2025 and read the plans for yourself. 

And look, I think we all know one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to simply agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body, not the government. 

And when Congress passes a bill to restore Reproductive Freedom nationwide, as President of the United States, I will proudly sign it into law, proudly. 

And look, on another subject, politicians have got to stop treating immigration as an issue to scare up votes in an election, and instead treat it as the serious challenge that it is that we must finally come together to solve. 

I will work with Democrats and Republicans to sign into law the border security bill that Donald Trump killed. 

When I was attorney general of a border state, I saw the chaos and violence caused by transnational criminal organizations that I took on and when I am President, we will quickly remove those who arrive here unlawfully, prosecute the cartels and give border patrol the support they so desperately need.

At the same time, we must acknowledge we are a nation of immigrants, and I will work with Congress to pass immigration reform, including an earned path to citizenship for hard working immigrants like farm workers and our dreamers. 

As Commander in Chief, I will make sure America has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world. 

Donald Trump, on the other hand, has shown his contempt for our nation’s heroes – calls them suckers and losers, called a Four Star Marine General, a quote “low life”. 

I will always honor, never denigrate the service and sacrifice of our troops and their families and fulfill our sacred obligation to care for them. 

I will strengthen, not surrender, America’s global leadership, and I will stand with our friends because I know that our alliances keep American people safe and make America stronger and more secure. 

Look, world leaders think that Donald Trump is an easy mark, easy to manipulate with flattery or favor. 

And you can believe that autocrats like Putin and Kim Jong are rooting for him in this election. 

I will always uphold our security, advance our national interest and ensure that the United States of America remains as we must forever be a champion of Liberty around the world. 

America, we know what Donald Trump has in mind, more chaos, more division and policies that help those at the very top and hurt everyone else. 

I offer a different path, and I ask for your vote.

And here is my pledge to you: I pledge to seek common ground and common sense solutions to make your life better. 

I am not looking to score political points. I am looking to make progress. 

I pledge to listen to experts, to those who will be impacted by the decisions I make, and to people who disagree with me. 

Unlike Donald Trump, I don’t believe people who disagree with me are the enemy; He wants to put them in jail, I’ll give them a seat at the table. 

I pledge to you to approach my work with the joy and optimism that comes from making a difference in people’s lives. 

And I pledge to be a president for all Americans, and to always put country above party and self.

I love our country with all my heart, and I believe in its promise because I’ve lived it. 

I grew up as a child of the civil rights movement, my parents would take me to marches in a stroller where crowds of people of all races, faiths and walks of life came together to fight for the ideals of freedom and opportunity. 

I’ve lived the promise of America, I saw how hard our mother worked to give her daughters the same chances this country gave her. 

Growing up, I was blessed to have family by blood and family by love, who instilled in me the values of community, compassion and faith that have always defined our nation at its best. 

I’ve lived the promise of America. 

I’ve spent my life fighting for the people who have been hurt and counted out but never stopped believing that in our country, anything is possible. 

I’ve lived the promise of America, and I see the promise of America in all of you, in all of you, I see it. 

I see it in the young people who are voting for the first time, who are determined to live free from gun violence and to protect our planet and to shape the world they inherit. 

I see it in the women who refuse to accept a future without reproductive freedom, and the men who support them. 

I see it in Republicans who have never voted for a Democrat before, but have put the Constitution of the United States over party. 

I’ve seen it in Americans, different in many respects, but united in our pursuit of freedom, our belief in fairness and decency and our faith in a better future. 

America, I know the vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us. 

I know it, and that’s why I am in this race to fight for the people, just like I always have. 

Nearly 250 years ago, America was born when we wrested freedom from a petty tyrant. 

Across the generations, Americans have preserved that freedom, expanded it, and in so doing proved to the world that a government of, by, and for the people is strong and can endure. 

And those who came before us, the Patriots at Normandy and Selma, Seneca Falls, and Stonewall, on farmlands, and factory floors, they did not struggle, sacrifice and lay down their lives only to see us cede our fundamental freedoms. 

They didn’t do that only to see us submit to the will of another petty tyrant. 

These United States of America, we are not a vessel for the schemes of wannabe dictators. 

The United States of America is the greatest idea humanity ever devised, a nation big enough to encompass all our dreams, 

strong enough to withstand any fracture or fissure between us, 

and fearless enough to imagine a future of possibilities. 

So America, let us reach for that future. Let us fight for this beautiful country we love. 

And in 7 days, we have the power, each of you has the power to turn the page and start writing the next chapter in the most extraordinary s

tory ever told. 

I thank you all. 

God bless you and may God bless the United States of America. 

Thank you!

*Vice President Kamala Harris's Ellipse Speech at the Ellipse outside the White House to a crowd of estimated 75,000+ inside the Ellipse and additional crowds outside not able to fit inside in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Tuesday, October 29, 2024


We have a responsibility to protect and defend our children from gun violence, hate, and intolerance.

We have a responsibility to nurture our children to be their better selves, develop their talents, and grow purposefully into the person the Lord meant for each child.

We have a responsibility to teach each child the meaning of love in empathy, tolerance in compassion, good deeds in fellowship, faith in kindness, and confidence in the fullest measure of self fully connected with a purity of heart to the love and peace of the Holy Spirit. 

We have a responsibility to leave this planet better than when we entered it.

Therefore, we must fight climate change and elect leaders who are willing to fight with us, not against us.

For what good is wealth if we do not have health, wellness, and well-being to enjoy life purposefully?

We must teach children to find ways to solve problems without resorting to violence, lies, or game cheats.  

For we cannot always be there each step of the way and will not live forever, they learn to care for one another, must take up the mantle of leadership, and lead as problem solvers, not problem makers.

If we are to lead by example, we need to elect leaders who are good role models, not prone to violence, hate, spite, ignorance, crude vulgarities, and inhumane cruelties.

It would also be nice if the role models were not convicted felons, racists, insurrectionists, seditionists, or fascist dictator wannabes.

We must do everything we can to help our children live a wonderful life; full of amazing wonder and enlightened mysteries yet to be discovered.  

And keep at bay as long as possible the trials, tribulations, and ugliness that sometimes come with the struggles of life.

Give our children a chance to come into their own well-prepared and well-adjusted to face anything that may come their way.  

That cannot happen if we live in a world that strips women and girls of their basic human right of self-determination, basic care, and control of their bodies.  

That cannot happen if we live in a world without respect, honor, dignity, and decency for all people.

Therefore, let's elect public servants who are respectful and honorable and will treat all people with dignity and decency.

And serve the people with empathy and compassion knowing that life is a struggle at times and we all have challenges we must live through.  

Let us unite under that banner of freedom, dedicated to the proposition that all people are created equal, and work in service of one another to make this world a better place for our children and future generations so that our children’s inheritance of freedom, well-being, and a habitable planet will long endure.

Monday, October 28, 2024


The ghosts of the past will haunt fascist Nazis and that of their children.  

Because when fascist Nazis pick up the mantle of hate and terrorism, then the inheritance of all the horrific and heinous crimes against humanity that cost millions of people their lives through genocide and war will also be upon and in them.

The continuation of this horrific history of hate and terror is unholy and damned beyond words.  

How good people of conscience can remain silent and complicit is unconscionable.

We must stand up against the sheer uncaring nature and total disregard for human life, a life conceived from the Lord.  

Our life and our freedom are our unalienable rights granted by the Lord and must not be taken without a fight.

Hate, fascist hate, must be relegated to the past and must be history, not dredged up for our children and their children to inherit.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Psychic Predictions From A Non-Psychic, Part One:


Love will win over hate and fear, if we receive the Lord’s grace, have faith, and stand for the secret of the Lord.

Fear will be abated when the heart is lighted, guiding us to do good deeds and meaningful works.

Though we may feel the uncertainty, the past, the present, and the future are known in this heightened time of epic battles between freedom and oppression, love and hate, holy and unholy, and immeasurable faith and heinous cruelty and depravity.

If it is known then it is certain that the bad actors, abusers, and sycophants will be held accountable as the arc of justice merges with this time of accountability.

The children born of Love will always learn to return home and be received in Heaven; 

Therefore, confessions of sins will be made, repentance will be agonized, the where and whys of wrongs will be analyzed, and atonement in reparations will be given in offering to the level where it will be fair and just in the eyes of the Lord.


I recently saw a brief clip of a stadium filled with individuals displaying hatred, and it deeply saddened me to witness the decline of the once-noble anti-slavery Republican Party of Lincoln.

The messages of hate, division, and denigration of people are disturbing, disgraceful, unholy, un-Christian, and un-American. 

This troubling sight was steeped in toxic masculinity and heinous racism, evoking grim reflections of the fascist ignorance that has led to horrific crimes against humanity, costing millions of lives through genocide and war.

We must ensure that those horrors are not revisited upon the world, especially in this land of the free and home of the brave. 

It's essential that the American dream continues to thrive for our children and future generations; we must not allow it to devolve into a nightmare of cruelty and endless crimes against humanity.

Although the advancements we made in civil rights and human rights have not reached or nurtured all individuals, nor have they filled some hearts with fellowship, we must find a way to live lives filled with grace rather than hate. 

I find it difficult to comprehend the lack of compassion and empathy that some individuals have for those who look differently or come from different backgrounds and their inability to see the hearts and minds of all people.

Many of these individuals are likely victims of a sad con—misguided and brainwashed by fabricated falsehoods, fueling unnecessary anger, fear, and hatred toward others.

The way forward, away from a future filled with hate, fear, and strife, is clear. 

In this election, we must elect leaders who embody compassion and empathy, individuals who care about people and will nurture grace instead of hate.

This election, we must elect Harris and Walz for a brighter future filled with grace, love, hope, and peace.

Domestic Terrorism


In the United States, a conviction for domestic terrorism is a Class A felony and can result in 16 to 60 years in prison and a $50,000 fine. 

If the act results in loss of life, the sentence can be life in prison or the death penalty. 

Who is considered a terrorist?

A terrorist, according to the Dictionary, is a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

What political ideology advocates using force or violence to oppress and achieve political goals?  

A fascist.

Therefore, fascism is terrorism.

And we should use every means within reason to oppose them, especially terrorists, in three-piece suits practicing fascistic ideologies.


🤔 Who amongst us is not created by the Lord?

🤔And if you trace your family tree, who amongst us is not from an immigrant family?


There is no scriptural support to fear Satan.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say you are to fear Satan.  

You are instead to fear the Lord.

“The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant.”     

                                    - Psalm 25:14

“The end of the matter; all has been heard.  

Fear the Lord and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.

For the Lord will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.” 

                                - Ecclesiastes 12:13–14

To fear Satan is to allow Satanic influences to harm your soul, and not let the Holy Spirit protect your soul from harm.

The enemy can influence our thoughts and actions by invoking fear.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.”

                                  - 2 Timothy 1:7

“Do not be afraid of those people who can kill only your body. 

These people cannot kill your soul. 

No, it is the Lord that you should be afraid of. 

He can kill your body, and then he can also destroy your soul in hell.”

                                    - Matthew 10:28

Ephesians: Faith in the Lord is a shield against Satan's influence.

“10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 

11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 

13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 

14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 

15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 

16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”

                                - Ephesians 6:10-16

Saturday, October 26, 2024

It's Time To Sing A New Song*


We are so happy to be standing here on this stage as a proud country Texas women supporting and celebrating the one and only Vice President Kamala Harris;

A woman who's pushing for what this country really needs, right now- Unity.

It's impossible to not feel the energy in this room, the positivity, the community, the humanity.  

We are at the precipice of an incredible shift- the brink of History.

I’m not here as a celebrity.

I’m not here as a politician.

I’m here as a mother.

A mother who cares deeply about the world my children and all of our children live in.

A world where we have the freedom to control our bodies.

A world where we're not divided.

Our past, our present, our future merge to meet us here.  

Imagine our daughters growing up seeing what's possible with No Ceilings and no limitations.

Imagine what our grandmothers, imagine what they feel right now, those who have lived to see this historic day.  

Even those who are no longer physically with us, imagine all of their sacrifice, the sacrifices made so we can witness the strength of a woman- standing in her power, reimagining what leadership is.

For all the men and women in this room and watching around the country, we need you.

Your voice has power and magnitude.

Your vote is one of the most valuable tools and we need you.

Your freedom is your God given right, your human right.

Everybody, say- Texas.

Texas plays a pivotal role to change the course of our future.  

Texans and Houstonians from Third Ward, River Oaks, Sugar Land, 5th Ward, Alief, Memorial, Southwest Side, North Side, all the way to Mo city.

We all have a role to play to make this reality.

We’re all part of something much bigger.

We must vote.

And we need you.

It's time to sing a new song.

A song that began 248 years ago-

the old notes of downfall, discord, and despair no longer resonate.

Our generations of loved ones before us are whispering a prophecy- a quest, a calling, an anthem.

Our Moment right now- it's time for America to sing a new song.

Our voices sing a chorus of unity- they sing a song of dignity and opportunity.

Are y’all ready to add your voice to the new American song?

Because I am.

So, let's do this.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a big loud Texas welcome to the next president of the United States, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Click here to see video of Beyonce's speech.

*Beyonce's speech yesterday, October 25, 2024, at V.P. Kamala Harris rally in Houston, Texas.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Though some have forgotten, the number of people who died during World War II is between 45 million and 60 million people.

According to the Defense Casualty Analysis System, over 400,000 were American service members: Army and Air Force: 318,274 killed, Navy 62,614 killed, and 24,511 killed.

The Nazis and Axis powers were directly responsible for their deaths.

The Nazis were also responsible for not just the genocide of over 6 million Jewish people, but the killing of an estimated 15 to 20 million Europeans.

Most Europeans remember American service members as heroes, not losers, saving not just Europe but the world from the scourge of Nazi hate and terror, where millions of civilians died.

Can you imagine how we are viewed by Europeans and the rest of the world when we have a former American president and candidate idolizing fascism and Nazis generals (who, by the way, tried to assassinate their fascist dictator, not once, not twice, but three times and before a fourth attempt their fascist dictator committed suicide from the impending shame of losing the world war)?

Stop the ignorance.

Stop the hate.

Do not let our over 400,000 American service heroes die in vain.

Be the heroes of democracy.

Vote for Harris and Walz.



The question we should ask is who’s not from an immigrant family?

We should wear t-shirts saying I’m from an immigrant family (unless you're a Native American) and list the country or countries our parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents were from.

Are you Native American?

Then it is completely asinine to think that we're invading ourselves and to act like we're “the enemy from within”.


**What is Fascism?**

The attraction for a certain aspiring dictator lies in the absolute power to act without restraint, including the ability to abuse that power.

**Why is this the case?**

For him, it serves as a "get-out-of-jail-free" card, allowing him to regain a sense of control over his perceived failures while punishing those who sought to hold him accountable for his actions.

**What is the original problem?**

This individual resembles a mob boss who refuses to listen to any viewpoint that challenges his own.

When it comes to breaking laws that carry severe consequences—consequences he has never faced due to his privileged upbringing—he bluntly questions, "What consequences?"

Though he lacks expertise in various subjects—because no one is all-knowing and immortal—he insists on pretending to be an authority without seeking any guidance or asking questions.

**So how does he arrive at supposedly correct answers?**

By osmosis?

Regardless of how confident he feels about his reading skills, effective comprehension is essential. 

Even someone with strong prejudices would have to be irrational to submit to a complete narcissist—someone who only cares about himself, lacks true expertise, and demands that others comply with his constantly changing whims based on shifting lies.

**So, ultimately, what is fascism?**

Fascism is a system of oppression, characterized by a lack of freedom and free speech, leaving individuals at the mercy of a spoiled dictator’s whims.

Where “you're fired!” can literally mean the firing squad.

**Fascism is terrorism**

Thursday, October 24, 2024


🤔 Does anyone else find it weird that that weirdo politician would say that Democrats can control the weather?  

And if Democrats are so powerful, why would anyone be crazy enough to pick a fight with them?

Does anyone else find it weird that weirdos do not realize the correct age and generation their grandpa's wannabe dictator happens to be?  

What's the deal about comparing crowd sizes when there is no comparison, especially when you see the size at Obama and Harris rallies today?  

There must have been 20,000 people there at their rally.  

Their opponent cannot even fill their stadium or their supporters’ attention with so many leaving early.


Even though some may have forgotten, I remember what it was like when President Obama was in office.

I recall the 2008 market crash that led to the Great Recession, the longest recession since World War II. 

It was President Obama’s economic policies that helped us recover from the brink of economic depression when unemployment reached 10 percent and over 1.9 million jobs were lost.

His Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) stimulated the economy, reformed financial institutions, and bailed out the auto industry, which was on the verge of collapse. 

By the end of Obama's administration, the economy experienced 76 months of continuous growth. 

During the last two years of his presidency, the annual median household income increased by approximately $4,800, and GDP grew around 2.6 percent.

Trump inherited Obama’s robust economy but managed to gradually undermine it. 

The repercussions were acutely felt during the first year of Biden’s presidency, as both Trump’s mishandling of the economy and the COVID-19 pandemic caught up with the American public.

Many Americans may be surprised to learn that Trump was the first president since Hoover during the Great Depression to leave office with millions fewer jobs than when he took over. 

His handling of COVID caused unemployment to soar to over 14 percent and led to supply chain crashes. Coupled with Trump's tariffs, caused inflation to soar.

Prices have not yet come fully down; nonetheless, Trump continues to propose high tariffs, which would further increase the costs of imported goods, which will be passed on to consumers. 

Let’s not overlook Trump’s tax cuts for the ultra-rich, which added a staggering $7 trillion to the deficit and did not provide relief to the middle class or any other income group except the wealthy.

Trump plans to cut taxes for the rich again, which will put even more strain on the deficit. Where does he intend to make up the difference? 

Taxes are investments in America. 

They fund our children's education, national defense, social security, Medicare, CHIP, and other social service programs. They also support infrastructure projects. 

Taxes are the glue that keeps our society stable and secure. 

Therefore, the ultra-rich must pay their fair share to help ensure everyone, especially our children, can prosper together.

I remember that it was Obama who enacted the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which provided health insurance to millions of Americans and protected them from being denied care due to pre-existing conditions.

I remember it was John McCain who saved the ACA from being repealed when Trump attempted to eliminate it.

I know whom to thank for the state of our economy: Obama and now Biden, and I must thank John McCain for saving the ACA.

Conversely, I know whom to reject: the con game, the lies, the blame-shifting, the cruelty, and the ambitions of a wannabe dictator, however fascist. 

Whether this wannabe aims to be the next Bernie Madoff or a future dictator, the answer is a resounding no.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Instead of the blame game, crying game, hating game, and lying game, how about playing the glad game?

Pollyanna, in the book and movie, plays the glad game whenever she is feeling low or encounters difficulties, not ideal situations, and sorrows in her life.  

You play the glad game by thinking of something positive and something you are thankful for, then state out loud what you are glad for or thankful for.  

Finally, remember the reason why you are glad for the positive things in your life and apply that optimism to your daily life.

What are you thankful and glad for in your personal life (no negatives and no politics)?


Even if you disagree with Harris and Walz, at least you will be able to vote them out in the next election cycle. 

You will not have the same opportunity with a dictator; once democracy is destroyed, it is difficult to remove them from power or ever vote again.

Vice President Harris (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act), as former prosecutor, Attorney General, and U.S. Senator, will uphold the rule of law and democratic values.

Governor Walz served in the National Guard for 24 years (Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Army Achievement Medal, and Army Commendation Medal), was a high school social studies teacher and football coach (State Championship 1999); and he will also uphold the rule of law and democratic values.

This election vote for experience, vote for service, vote Harris and Walz.


When shepherds fail to fulfill their duty and allow predators to attack their sheep or lead them astray, they are no longer true shepherds, but rather accomplices or corrupters.

The compromised and corrupt shepherds of this hateful movement and cult of ignorance are sinners, going against the teachings of Christ in hate, indulgence, and idolatry.

The victims are not only the targets of their hate, ignorance, indulgence, and idolatry but also the sheep who are led into sin and groomed to engage in sinful practices.

It is crucial to emphasize how grave it is to sin against the Lord and cause harm to any member of the children of the Lord.

Furthermore, to worsen the sins by bypassing redemption in falsehoods and delusional forgiveness without first confessing and repenting of sins is not only absurd but also damning.

We must eliminate the ignorance and hate stemming from the corrupt politics of Caesar from the Lord’s churches and temples, and the corrupt shepherds who either groom or fail to lead the sheep away from sin and false idols.

We must hold accountable unholy shepherds, those responsible for corruption and hate, and abusers in sins, but work to bring the lost sheep to the path of love and peace, and salvation with compassion and understanding.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Even though some have forgotten, I remember what it was like when Trump was president.

I remember what he did and said about

veterans and soldiers who gave the last full measure of their devotion that freedom may live and ring throughout the world.

I remember in 2018, he canceled a visit to Aisne-Marne cemetery near Paris, the resting place of 1,800 Marines killed during the bloody Battle of Belleau Wood, saying, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” And later, according to his former Chief of Staff John Kelly, calling them “suckers” for dying.

I remember what he said of John McCain, who served his country honorably in combat and public service, dedicating his life to veterans affairs* and the people, calling him a “loser”.

I was not surprised.

He has accused, without proof, Gold Star Families of giving him COVID; it couldn't be the fact that he doesn't mask up when he should.  

He also called the Medal of Freedom much better than the Medal of Honor, because soldiers are in “bad shape” or dead when they receive it.

He has told us what he will do.

Continue to denigrate veterans and service members.  

And if elected, he’ll use the military against civilians, pointing to “the enemy from within” and saying that “they're very dangerous”, and considering what happened on January 6, 2021, the violent attack on the Capital, he's pointing back at himself, his mini-Mes, and his sycophants stating that he is the enemy from within and that he and his minions are very dangerous.

This election goes way beyond political parties.

Let's remember what the United States represents and stands for.

Honor. Always faithful, Semper Fidelis, to the Constitution of the United States of America.

I remember.

And I support our veterans, our troops, and true patriots, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

*McCain, according to the AP, was a leading force in the Senate behind VA Choice, the law that gave veterans an option to go outside the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system and get private care at public expense under certain conditions. President Barack Obama signed the VA Choice legislation into law.


Monday, October 21, 2024


Remember who was the very first Republican president and everything he stood for?

Here's a reminder from his speech in November of 1863.

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. 

We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. 

It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But in a larger sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. 

The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. 

The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. 

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. 

It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion, that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”*

Today, we are gathered on a different battlefield of a war of conscience- for liberty or of tyranny, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can endure.

Will we honor those that gave the last full measure of devotion, and resolve that those that have fought for and died for freedom in two world wars and conflicts shall not have died in vain?

That this nation, under God, shall have that renewed birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth?*

Will we save and preserve this democratic nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all people are created equal for our children and future generations?

We can by voting for V.P. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, patriots dedicated to defending freedom and democracy and serving the people. 

*Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863. 

**Paraphrased from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.


“Even though some have forgotten, 

I remember what it was like when
Trump was president.

I remember what he did and said about Puerto Rico, about our people. 

I remember after Hurricane Maria devastated our island, Trump blocked billions in relief while thousands died.

I remember when our families lacked clean water and electricity Trump threw paper towels and called Puerto Rico dirty and poor.

I was not surprised.

Because I also remember he launched his campaign by calling Latinos criminals and rapists.

He told us what he will do.

He’ll separate children from their families and threaten to use the army to do it.  

This election goes way beyond political parties.

Let's remember what the United States represents and stands for.


Regardless of where we are from.”   

           - Mark Anthony, I remember.*

"And I support Kamala Harris 

for President."

Saturday, October 19, 2024


“Are you okay?”

This is a question most normal people would ask if they noticed someone in distress.

The former president is not looking well and is incoherent many times.

Naturally, the Vice President has cause for concern.

His normally weird and spoiled behaviors have devolved even further than his usual extreme, name-calling, and condescending self.


Who knows.  

For some reason, this tired old senior citizen refuses to release his medical records.

The question of stamina is on the minds of voters because he keeps canceling interviews, and when his people say he's playing music and dancing at a Town Hall meeting, there was no evidence of any dancing unless you call moving arms up and down and swaying occasionally dancing.

Go to this link to see V.P. Harris real dancing:

Are we still trying to compare the two?

Is there even a comparison?

One has to feel sorry for all his supporters that he has conned to his world of delusion and victimized into falsehoods, racism, and corruption.

He’s like Bernie Madoff, the monster Ponzi schemer of Wall Street, on steroids with his various grifts that seem more like schemes rather than long-term plans, except to my knowledge, Madoff still was in full control of his faculties when he passed.

I am not sure if this grifter is still in full control of his faculties; all indications not.

The question becomes how many more events will this exhausted senior wannabe dictator cancel and how coherent would he be in the events he bothers to show up for.

Will this old horse even show?


This old-timer grifter always gaslights his followers.  I refuse to be gaslighted when it comes to his occasional swaying to music which is not dancing since none of his movements involves any steps.


Imagine that you woke from a nap to the shout, “Danger, danger, Will Robinson!”

Disoriented, you reach up for the call button to ask what's going on, but before the button is pushed the squawk box screams, “Warning! Warning! Brace for impact!”

Your steward walks up and down the aisle reminding passengers to buckle up and get into crash positions.

You make sure your seat belt is still secure tightly around your waist and as you turn to protect your head you notice outside your window a field of floating space debris.

You pondered how this came to be since the space trip you were in was supposed to head in a straight shot to the moon, a large celestial body orbiting the earth, not likely missed to the naked eye.

You turned your head the other direction and asked your fellow passenger what happened.

“Remember that old inane captain that used to pilot this ship, you know the deranged old senior that kept trying to jettison his crew into space anytime anyone disagreed with him?  

Well, apparently someone from his old crew, let him on the bridge, and because the old captain thought we were heading in the wrong direction and in a senior moment he and his sycophant commandeered the ship course corrected us straight into this debris field.”

“What!? You mean we’re actually lost in space and are about to die from space debris?” 


  If you could see through the eyes of holy humanity, would you view salvation as a game and see individuals as mere conquests? What about f...