Thursday, September 19, 2024


I sympathize with those who have fallen victim to another Bernie Madoff - a con artist, but on a smaller and less intelligent scale. This con artist is not who he claims to be, quite the opposite.

To understand my thoughts on this matter, you need to understand chess or the theory of consequences.  It's about being one or two steps away from a disastrous move or policy.

Not everyone who claims to play chess is a chess player, especially those who declare themselves to be chess masters.

I feel sorry and embarrassed for those who are continuously being deceived and fooled.

I especially feel sorry for Christians who are manipulated into fearing Satan instead of fearing the Lord, turning them away from love and towards hate.

And for Republicans who are manipulated into destroying the Republic instead of defending it from harm, turning them away from the Republic, rule of law, freedom, and democracy.

I feel sorry that their support of this Bernie Madoff-type will eventually lead to their spiritual and financial bankruptcy.

Ultimately, it is extremely embarrassing to have some people fooled by someone of this lesser intelligence and little or no morals.

  If you could see through the eyes of holy humanity, would you view salvation as a game and see individuals as mere conquests? What about f...