Now is the time for every patriot to vote:
Vote for freedom and democracy.
Vote for freedom and end governmental intrusions on a woman's body.
Vote for freedom and end gun violence in our schools and on our streets.
Vote for freedom and fight climate change and save our planet.
Vote for freedom and the freedom to love who we are and be who we are.
Vote for freedom and freedom from hate and fear, for we are love and one of, and by the Lord, we are E Pluribus Unum.
Vote for freedom and freedom from ignorance and lies to wisdom and true truth, for true power is in knowledge, and true truth is with the holy.
Vote for the better inclinations of humanity, not the worse.
Lift our spirits to the Lord, and see the promise within each of us to be a child of love and peace and caring stewards of the earth.
Vote and make the world a better place for everyone and future generations.
Vote for patriots Harris and Walz.