Saturday, October 19, 2024


Imagine that you woke from a nap to the shout, “Danger, danger, Will Robinson!”

Disoriented, you reach up for the call button to ask what's going on, but before the button is pushed the squawk box screams, “Warning! Warning! Brace for impact!”

Your steward walks up and down the aisle reminding passengers to buckle up and get into crash positions.

You make sure your seat belt is still secure tightly around your waist and as you turn to protect your head you notice outside your window a field of floating space debris.

You pondered how this came to be since the space trip you were in was supposed to head in a straight shot to the moon, a large celestial body orbiting the earth, not likely missed to the naked eye.

You turned your head the other direction and asked your fellow passenger what happened.

“Remember that old inane captain that used to pilot this ship, you know the deranged old senior that kept trying to jettison his crew into space anytime anyone disagreed with him?  

Well, apparently someone from his old crew, let him on the bridge, and because the old captain thought we were heading in the wrong direction and in a senior moment he and his sycophant commandeered the ship course corrected us straight into this debris field.”

“What!? You mean we’re actually lost in space and are about to die from space debris?” 


  If you could see through the eyes of holy humanity, would you view salvation as a game and see individuals as mere conquests? What about f...