Though some have forgotten, the number of people who died during World War II is between 45 million and 60 million people.
According to the Defense Casualty Analysis System, over 400,000 were American service members: Army and Air Force: 318,274 killed, Navy 62,614 killed, and 24,511 killed.
The Nazis and Axis powers were directly responsible for their deaths.
The Nazis were also responsible for not just the genocide of over 6 million Jewish people, but the killing of an estimated 15 to 20 million Europeans.
Most Europeans remember American service members as heroes, not losers, saving not just Europe but the world from the scourge of Nazi hate and terror, where millions of civilians died.
Can you imagine how we are viewed by Europeans and the rest of the world when we have a former American president and candidate idolizing fascism and Nazis generals (who, by the way, tried to assassinate their fascist dictator, not once, not twice, but three times and before a fourth attempt their fascist dictator committed suicide from the impending shame of losing the world war)?
Stop the ignorance.
Stop the hate.
Do not let our over 400,000 American service heroes die in vain.
Be the heroes of democracy.
Vote for Harris and Walz.