Monday, August 19, 2024


What does the Holy Spirit perceive, experience, and understand through our bodies, which are considered temples for the Lord?

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from the Lord? And you are not your own?” 

                                                            - 1 Corinthians 6:19

Inappropriate touching is considered sacrilegious because it desecrates the temple of the Lord.

Dishonorable, disgraceful behavior causes the wrongdoer's heart to become impure and closed off to the Holy Spirit and the Lord.

The body, mind, and spirit of the wrongdoer become corrupted and descend into the depths and gutters of hell.

Furthermore, those with unclean and impure hearts and minds are no longer compatible with heaven and humanity.


Forgiveness will not save those whose hearts are impure, full of hate and sin, who the Lord never knew, who are now unrecognizable in sin. 

Furthermore, forgiveness demonstrates the Lord's or the victim's character not that of the unholy, the unrepentant, and the unatoned. 

🤔 Without heart, any effort or goal becomes meaningless, ignorant, superficial, and superfluous.  Without reading comprehension, no matter ...