Monday, August 19, 2024

When you have nothing but liabilities, creating more chaos and burdening others with liabilities does not translate into having assets.

In simpler terms, two wrongs do not make a right. 

You will only end up with more compounded liabilities and interests, leading to faster bankruptcies or economic depressions.

In a worldwide economic depression, the country with the most assets will recover from the economic downturn faster than a country burdened with liabilities and stagnation.

Attempting to cause harm in other countries when your own country lacks the industries or innovation for prosperity will not make that country more prosperous. 

On the contrary, it will have the opposite effect. 

However, that country may not realize that bad practices will lead to greater economic disaster and catastrophic consequences due to being consumed with power games and preoccupied with the ends justifying ignorant means.

For example, from AD 604 to AD 618, China's Emperor Sui Yang Di (隋炀帝) was consumed by power games, waged senseless invasions, and initiated grandiose projects at the expense of his subjects.

Though he achieved initial success, his endless invasions, wars, and grandiose projects ended up bankrupting the Treasury, causing the deaths of millions of civilians, and hastening the end of his rule and death from a military coup.

Bad practices may initially seem to work but are not sustainable, just as Ponzi schemes or subprime mortgages seem to be initially profitable but fraudulent or bad investments cannot be sustained.  

The bubble will eventually burst because those supposed investments are built on lies and empty promises that are not real.

Bad practices are not best practices or innovations that will have a solid foundation for real prosperity.

Therefore, it is not wise to have bad practices or double down continuously on liabilities which will only lead to ruin (much faster).


It would be like having an insolvent brother who has no talent or abilities in anything try to destroy his other brother’s business because he wants to take him down a peg or two so he would catch up and be at the same level.  

But now both would be insolvent as the brother’s business is destroyed and the handouts that the brother with the business gave to the poor brother would cease and he would. starve.

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