This lowering of standards to where there are no standards at all-
Just brainwashing and grooming in unethical and unholy calls;
And the corruption of minors* with no balls.
What kind of mother and father is this?
Politics in slander, lies, treason, and fraud is not politics at all;
But casting of stones in corruption, treason, and unmediated gall**-
And illegal activities of a mobster's mentality in unholy pall.
It is completely unacceptable to be without morality, decency, truth, and honor at all, especially in our executive, legislative or judicial hall.
*18 U.S.C. § 2251, 2252 and individual state laws.
**Acts 8:23
“23 For I see that you are in the gall of bitterness and the bond of iniquity.”