Saturday, August 17, 2024



So you can whine,

Criticize and 

Commit unspeakable crimes.


So you can tear down

Innocence and one another

Without care or bother.


So you can cast stones,


Steal, pillage and plunder.


So you can cheat, defraud, and defame

Without shame

And play a cruel and mean game.


So you say

You know all

A puffed-up “greatness” before the fall.


So you can make 

Everything about me, me, me,

With nothing, but mini, mini, mini.


So you can sell,

Sell schemes at the expense of dreams

Sell out- Judas in torrent streams.


Great hypocrite,

Narcissist and psychotic pest,

Washout sicko failing every reality test.  


Great certifiable racist, misogynist,

Great unholy damning and scamming scum-

Who attacks senselessly and aggress

 without redress- a self- absorbing bum. 


So what's so great?

About abusing power, tripping on abuses and uses - 

Useless disgrace and corrupt dishonor.   


It's not like you created the vaccines or treatments for COVID.

Nor cures for cancer.

Nor are you saving the planet and its environment.

Nor are you the light creator of next level innovations, salvation.

Your great and greatness exists only in your mind-

Which are nothing but grandiose

delusions of the unholy kind.

🤔 Without heart, any effort or goal becomes meaningless, ignorant, superficial, and superfluous.  Without reading comprehension, no matter ...