Friday, December 11, 2020

Based upon the Lord's Judgement, Truth and Laws


"The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains,

The world, and those who dwell in it.". 

                                                 Psalms 24:1

What do you think happens when sexual abusers violate what belongs to the Lord?  

Or when thieves steal, pillage plunder and take what belongs to the Lord?  

The Lord's Judgement is based upon the Ethics and Standards of the Lord, not man, not people.  

It is up to people to live up to the Lord's Measurement, not the other way around.  

Ultimately, the Lord's Judgement is not based upon what you believe, but upon the Lord's Truth and Laws

Haters can believe in the power of skin which cannot be taken with them at death on Judgement Day; 

Abusers can believe in the supremacy of superpower and control, abuse of power, which still cannot escape death or overpower the Judgement of the Lord; 

Sinners can believe in salvation in forced forgiveness without confession of sins, repentance or atonement, but it does not mean that this belief is true or based in any kind of reality (of the Lord's Judgement).  

What will the Lord be Judging? 

Your beliefs?  Your thinking?  Your feelings?  Your looks?  Your power?  

Or where your beliefs, thinking, feelings, behaviors form and determine the color of your heart, soul and character?  

Where do you think you are currently in the Lord's Measurement of your heart, soul and character (based upon the Lord's Judgement and Laws)?

Disrespecting women and committing the heinous act of rape are reflections of the abuser's dishonor, sacrilege, and crimes against human...