Who's hoarding and siphoning off all the wealth of everyday Americans?
Is it the immigrants or the insatiable greed of some of the ultra-rich?
It’s not the immigrants denying workers higher wages, better working conditions, and access to paid sick leave.
Who's in the pocket of oil companies and lobbyists denying climate change?
It’s not those in need dying from increasingly dangerous storms, hurricanes, and natural disasters, denying the crisis of climate change.
Who's trying to steal power to have absolute power to game the system and divert tax money into his own pockets and that of the ultra-rich?
It's not the hard-working people of all types living from paycheck to paycheck trying to get by and give their children a better education and a better life.
Who's in the pocket of big pharma trying to deny lower prescription costs and cancel the Affordable Care Act, Social Security, and Medicare?
It's not the “radical left” fighting for lower prescription costs, championing affordable care, social security, and Medicare.
Who's trying to gut the rule of law and destroy the Constitution and democracy for that of autocracy to rule as a dictator on day one with absolute impunity and absolute power?
It's not the patriots who put country over party, democracy over tyranny, and respect the Constitution and the rule of law over lawlessness and abuse of power.
Who has taken away women’s fundamental human rights over their bodies and put them in the hands of corrupt politicians to decide what to do without care for the life of the mother and the trauma women and girls face at the hands of rapists and incestists?
It's not the Democrats fighting for women's rights over their own bodies and extreme government intrusion into private family matters that are none of their business.
Who has threatened to use the military on civilians exercising their rights of free speech to peacefully protest unfair practices or inhumane laws?
Who has used lies, misinformation, misdirection, and underhanded tactics to undermine democracy, the election process, and the peaceful transfer of power?
Who has demonstrated callous disregard for the well-being of people and tried to take down our country and democracy in a violent insurrection?
Who has endangered the lives of the American people with constant streams of lies, misinformation, and disinformation deflecting blame for tragic problems to first responders, metrologists, and doctors trying to help?
Who has used Christianity and religion to twist the holy scripture for personal political gain and into sacrileges idol worship?
The list of wrongs and corruption goes on and on;
The lies and level of disrespect and dishonor towards women, minorities, and people who are not ultra-rich;
The constant grooming of insecure men and youth into compromised behaviors and alpha-warped semi-manhood steeped in blame, dishonor, and cowardice;
And the anything-goes mentality to exploit and manipulate toward selfish personal and political gain without benefiting anyone but one cowardly individual and his ultra-rich sycophants.