Monday, October 7, 2024


What is the difference between lying and fraud?

Lying involves making a false statement. It is generally considered not illegal, except when lying under oath. 

Some politicians believe that lying and slandering their opponents is just part of the game.

However, when lies cross the line into misrepresentations, especially knowingly making material misstatements of fact with the intent to deceive, and the victims rely on those lies to make decisions that result in harm, then the lies become criminal fraud.*

Why make a point of knowing the difference between white lies and fraud?

What's its significance?

“Fraud is a specific type of lie with serious legal implications. 

It involves a false representation of a material fact, made knowingly or recklessly, with the intent that others rely on it and subsequently cause harm or loss. 

Fraud is always a legal matter and is addressed severely under criminal and civil law.”*

Can the false claims regarding FEMA’s response to Hurricane Helene be considered fraud, especially when it may cause victims to rely on these false claims?  

Regardless of whether the false claims and lies rise to the level of fraud, it is morally reprehensible and irresponsible to spread lies and false claims regarding FEMA when we need to get the word out about how victims can get help.  

For assistance go to


Disrespecting women and committing the heinous act of rape are reflections of the abuser's dishonor, sacrilege, and crimes against human...