Friday, August 16, 2024


When a child misbehaves, the bad behaviors are blamed on poor parenting, especially that of the mother.

Usually, the first thought that springs to mind is “Who is the mother of that awful child?”

When a grown adult misbehaves, the bad behaviors are blamed on poor upbringing, especially that of the mother;

Usually, the first thoughts are “What a scumbag or ______.” 

Followed by “Was this awful person raised by wolves?” or “Was he raised by cockroaches?”

And since adults are fully responsible for their own actions, bad behaviors are a reflection of themselves, the bad actors, and their mothers and fathers.

Affiliations with bad actors or bad apples with horrible reputations, only make those people guilty by association.

Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”*

In other words, "one bad apple spoils the whole barrel.”

“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”**

When a person takes part in immoral or bad behaviors then that person becomes corrupt and rots with the unfruitful sins and crimes against humanity.

When a person associates with the bad and unholy then that person is guilty of complicity or accessories after the fact.

Therefore, how you behave is a reflection of your character and upbringing.

If you misbehave and are dishonorable, it brings disgrace and shame not only to yourself but also to your whole family (and anyone closely associated with you).

Thus, make sure you have a good reputation, or the sins and bad reputation will weigh and drag down your family and close associates with you.

Your actions are a reflection of your character, your parentage, and your upbringing;

And how you treat someone matters.

It matters to your character, your salvation, your reputation, and your standing with humanity and the world.

*1 Corinthians 15:33  

**Ephesians 5:11 

Disrespecting women and committing the heinous act of rape are reflections of the abuser's dishonor, sacrilege, and crimes against human...