Friday, August 16, 2024



I cannot imagine going through life wishing ill on someone.

I cannot imagine wasting it on hate or jealousy, fear or lust.  

I cannot imagine greedily plotting the conquest of land or persons; being slaves to grandiose desires built on insatiable power trips (of the shallow mundane), which will matter not in the end.

I cannot imagine putting locks on love or coercing desired outcomes.

I cannot imagine hurting someone just because you can or hurt diverse differences created by the Lord just because you don't like it or abuse because of differences of opinions or thoughts.  

I cannot imagine the need for any negativity when wisdom and critical thoughts will do.

I cannot imagine the need to put someone down just to puff oneself up;

Or understand the logic behind the belief that destroying people will make one or any country great without having anything that would make it great, such as good character and talent, honor, and innovation.

I mean, if all a person or country has are liabilities, how would putting down other people or destroying a country and turning things into wastelands give them assets, honor, and prosperity?  

How would worldwide depression make any one country greater; things will just be greater depressed; the rich might still be rich but not as rich because of less purchasing power.

I cannot imagine causing unimaginable harm based on idiotic ignorance, lust and greed, grandiose lies, and narcissistic delusions.

I cannot imagine having nothing to show in life, but a pile of trinkets and piles and piles of sins denoted on notches of belts and trophies.

I cannot imagine the shame of dishonor of those who dishonor themselves and innocents.  

I cannot imagine them, because I, like Jesus, never knew them; especially those unholy sinners full of hate, dishonor, disgrace, and shame.

Disrespecting women and committing the heinous act of rape are reflections of the abuser's dishonor, sacrilege, and crimes against human...