Wednesday, August 7, 2024

What kind of bizarre, depraved, and twisted world do those abusive people live in? 

On what planet would it be productive to torment, harass, and crush talent? 

It is completely bizarre and twisted to believe that subjecting individuals to PTSD, continuous trauma, torture, and mind control would somehow improve their work and increase creativity.

And why believe that more coercion, distress, abuse, and endless trauma without end of post will result in absolute power and control, instead of more disruptions and crimes against humanity?

One might break a soldier with these extreme tactics and turn them into a conscienceless killer, but why break talent (to also turn into a killer)? 

What's the point? 

Except to hinder, distract, and destroy creative instincts in favor of destructive or nonsensical ones?

Why disrupt creative forces with coercive and abusive powers, and wonder why there's a lack of productivity in creativity?

Especially when the abusers insist upon blocking creativity or repulsing talent, and expecting it to be productive in drugged-out zombie states or uninspiring presences.

And why dictate blind obedience to nonsensical drivel as if idiocy can lead to anything substantial?

Why imagine using sexually abusive psychics with their minds in the gutter readings and rape, will result in any kind of meaningful and accurate readings?

Especially when their unholy crimes groom people and children into compromised behaviors and give a false sense of security of the future with misinterpretations and misdirections in the shallow mundane.

The fact that these questions must be asked, should indicate the level of ignorance, cruelty, and abusive practices into the unusual, the grandiose, and the unholy.

In addition, negative energy will cause negative effects, and the consequences of karma are constantly overlooked, as the ignoramuses tripping on power and control and inciting the negatives of fear and hate, could solve anything but create more problems in catastrophic fails and bankruptcies in unsustainable practices.

So, what kind of bizarre, twisted, delusional and depraved world do these abusers live in?  

Take a long look at their lies and investigate the long track records of cruel and unusual abuses and know.

  “Whoever walks in uprightness fears the LORD, but he who is devious in his ways despises him.” “Leave the presence of a fool, for there yo...