Tuesday, August 6, 2024


The idea that breaking a person psychologically leads to control or obedience is laughable. 

Let's consider what happens if someone does manage to break that person – then what? 

Are we supposed to follow the non-innovator, the dictator, or the ruthless ignoramus who only knows how to lead things to ruin or bankruptcy? 

Should we follow the ignorant, talentless con man or the compromised Judas pretending to be a demigod? 

Why should we go down the road to hell, when that person is already friendly? 

Are we letting incompetent people stifle talent instead of nurturing it? 

What's the point of letting copycats or idiots lead, especially those with impure hearts who cannot see the truth, the Lord, or know the Holy Spirit? 

Halting the process of enlightenment is unholy and serves no purpose. 

Only fools believe otherwise.

  “Whoever walks in uprightness fears the LORD, but he who is devious in his ways despises him.” “Leave the presence of a fool, for there yo...