Do you know what position a particular person holds in heaven?
Do you have any idea of the purpose assigned by the Lord to that person?
Or where in the process that person must be, in order to have the Lord's blueprint fulfilled?
Do you think just anyone can accomplish the tasks assigned to that person?
Do you really think that the Lord assigns talent or purpose by skin color or base these assignments on someone's power?
And do you think that there are no consequences for messing with the Lord's blueprint or people that belong to the Lord?
When you purposely mess up position and order of purpose (where the cutie marks are all out of order), things will not go according to the Lord's Plan, but devolve into chaos, incompetence and destruction (and go to hell in a hand basket).
What must you do, in order to fulfill your covenant with the Lord?
In order to prevent from harm?
In order to not end up in hell?
It is the belief of this author that there are different pathways to enlightenment and spiritual understanding. The hope is to develop positive connections and relationships.
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Big Deal Or No Big Deal?
🤔 Do you consider certain crimes and sins to be no big deal? What happens to your character and soul when you commit a certain crime or sin...
Dear Endearing Snowflake, Into the unknown we go..... Fear and uncertainty rise and fall, Grasp bravery in desperation of it all. Wi...
Kindred, Are you able to galvanize some people to take this pandemic seriously? Some are still in varying states of delusion. The qu...