When your so-called friend does not know how deeply he has been played or lied to or how activated he is into hate to destroy and divide his his own and humanity, then nothing anyone do or say will be of any use.
S/he will continue to seek to destroy or abuse in some fashion.
Just like when s/he sought to destroy anything or anyone that got in the way of divide and conquer plans.
But if s/he is doing the bidding of the compromised or slaves in the pocket of Satan, then s/he is nothing, but a pawn (doing the bidding of Satan's slave).
The removal of Einsteins, because of some superficial shallow reason or other, and replacement with shallow and fraudulent predictors making false, shallow or nonsense predictions that are nothing but future misinformation, lies and nonsense, only removes the focus from substantive ideas and intel of threats into misinformation, ignorance, incompetence and self destruction.
Until you realize just how groomed you are and your friend recognizes how played he is, you and s/he will never break out of the grandiose delusions created and the harms perpetrated, because you are living in and allowing for the lies and harm created; the threat is not just on the outside, it is what you have let in and let get away with.
It is the belief of this author that there are different pathways to enlightenment and spiritual understanding. The hope is to develop positive connections and relationships.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
If you could see through the eyes of holy humanity, would you view salvation as a game and see individuals as mere conquests? What about f...
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