The hallmark of a good person is having a good heart, good mind (good thoughts), good soul and goodwill.
A good heart is having care and consideration for humanity; and a decency and purity of heart that will help the person to see the Lord (good compass).
A good mind is having positive thoughts and learning processes that will allow in reason, compassion and spiritual growth.
A good soul is having positive connections to Holy Spirit that will allow the person to live and grow in grace (not sin).
A goodwill is having good intentions to do no harm and practicing having a good heart, mind and soul or being able walking the walk.
All are required to have positive processes in spirtual goodness and growth.
When you compartmentalize, you risk blocking the parts of you that make you you and failures to connect with any aspects of self and the Lord will likely lead to dysfunctions, abusive or sinful behaviors and practices.
It is the belief of this author that there are different pathways to enlightenment and spiritual understanding. The hope is to develop positive connections and relationships.
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