There is an ancient battle going on almost as long as time.
The battle between holy and unholy, good and evil.
Many feel the battle ground is earth.
But the true battle ground is in you.
When you give footholds in sin, when you particate in power trips and selfish desires, when you practice bad behaviors, you lose pieces of your soul, your humanity to Satan; and you are immersed in distortions or corruptions of your soul.
What do you think you are seeing, when you look through the eyes of your own understanding?
Do you think what you are seeing matches the Lord's?
What happens when what is happening in front of you conflicts with the Lord?
Will you even recognize the sacrilegious acts or are you the co-conspirators?
Will you fight for the holy, the good, the just?
Or will you submit to the unholy, the abusives, the cowards?
It is the belief of this author that there are different pathways to enlightenment and spiritual understanding. The hope is to develop positive connections and relationships.
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