How are you?
Remember a while back I asked, "What color is your soul?"
What I was trying say is, "How are you spiritually?"
If you feel good about yourself, you will feel better about the people in your life.
Do not let the haters define you by their judgements of your bookcover.
Define yourself as the Lord intended and remember you are the author of your own book, your own life.
Love the you the Lord created.
Leave hate and pay it no mind.
Trust that the Lord made you with higher purpose and goodness in Mind.
You just have it find it in yourself.
If hatred has got you down, know that it has no power, but the power you give it to get you down.
Or if bad choices or hate is holding you back, let go of the hatred and repent.
Embrace the Love of the Lord;
Embrace the you, you were meant to be;
Its Truth will set you free.
It is the belief of this author that there are different pathways to enlightenment and spiritual understanding. The hope is to develop positive connections and relationships.
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