**Why do abusers believe that there is control through abuse and sin?**
Sins trap the guilty behind a veil of sacrilege and crimes against humanity.
The negative energy generated by the intent to harm shrouds the sinner's soul in unholy thoughts.
When a sin is committed, it erodes the sinner's humanity, transforming them into embodiments of their wrongdoing.
From the distorted perspective of those who abuse power, the deadly sins of lust, greed, and cruelty blind them to anything beyond their insatiable wants and desires.
There is never a genuine connection; only an attachment to their sins and delusional power trips fueled by lust and greed.
So, where does this illusion of control and power originate?
Is it found in the abuse of power and the ability to commit crimes and atrocities?
Is it in turning themselves into sinners, liars, rapists, or even terrorists, like cockroaches and parasites?
In reality, abusers/sinners are out of control, lost in their dishonorable, disgraceful, and crimes against humanity, weighed down and imprisoned by the shame of their disrespectable illicit sins.
There is no collaboration with the abusers, only harm, destruction, and prevention of lights.
There is no real reading through the eyes of sins and no comprehension through minds in the gutter.
So, where is the control or power?
When there is no intelligence, no knowledge, or understanding, there is no comprehension and no power, only ignorance and harm.