Thursday, October 10, 2024



We can secure women's rights and freedoms to their bodies and homes from government incursions and interference in the private decisions of the family.

We can secure the freedoms of democracy from the wannabe dictator and foreign interference and hindrance.

We can combat climate change and ensure a livable environment for future generations.

We can live up to the ideals of our founding fathers where government is for the people and by the people, and ensure that it shall not perish from the earth and that the freedoms our forefathers fought for and died for shall live on in our children and future generations that the bravery paid for in blood against tyranny and fascist dictatorships shall not have been in vain.

We, the people, can and will prevail.

We must if our children are to live in a free world where they are free to be themselves, to love who they like and be who they like, and not be forced or coerced into lies and molds of racist perfection.

We can turn the page against hate, fear, lies, violence, grievances steeped in fraud, and harm just because a wannabe spoiled silver spoon dictator thinks he can do whatever he wants.

This election we can and must win the election for the people, for democracy, the environment, and for future generations.  

Vote Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Big Deal Or No Big Deal?

🤔 Do you consider certain crimes and sins to be no big deal? What happens to your character and soul when you commit a certain crime or sin...