Saturday, October 5, 2024


Ever since the debate, the former president has had an aged feral look of impotence, as if V.P. Kamala Harris, with her words, managed to emasculate his puffed-up maga-ego of toxic masculinity and castrated it to his ever-shrinking crowd sizes.

If not for the extreme danger his emasculation of the Republican party still poses, I would laugh at the irony.

Alas, the threats to democracy and genuine masculinity are very real and we must defend our Republic and men against toxic lies and fears rooted in extreme ignorance and cowardice. 

Perhaps if we reminded them of the meaning of honor and decency, dignity and intelligence, we might break through the sanewashing. 

Not sure if it would make any difference to him.

His constant playground name-calling of opponents belittles himself not those he is casting stones at, because it demonstrates his inability to use grown-up words to articulate his thoughts and to form complete sentences and concepts, not to mention actual sustainable plans. 

Therefore, it is highly unlikely he would grasp the concept that real power is not the abuse of power, but the use of knowledge wisely.

Just like his castrated crowd sizes, his emasculated ego, and impotent plans, his lack of understanding of how the real world works only adds to his many liabilities and can only harm.

Big Deal Or No Big Deal?

🤔 Do you consider certain crimes and sins to be no big deal? What happens to your character and soul when you commit a certain crime or sin...