Thursday, September 5, 2024

What It Is Really About

Many may believe that the issue is about opposing a terrible candidate without values and honor, but it is truly about standing up for our values and honor against hate, lies, corruption, and wrongdoing.

This individual is deeply flawed because he is supported by lies, hate, and fear. 

What’s even worse is the silence and inaction of those who allow what we cherish to be destroyed without resistance.

It’s weird when this person does something wrong, he often chooses to intensify and perpetuate his misconduct more aggressively and permanently.

Who in their right mind continues to escalate wrongful behavior with greater aggression?

Despite any opposition, will he not ultimately accumulate more self-inflicted wrongdoings and liabilities?

What is evident is an angry, uninformed individual making questionable choices and failing to comprehend the consequences of his actions.

If a person ends up with nothing but dishonorable conduct and wrongdoings, then no amount of lies, cover-ups, or misdirection will be enough to conceal the truth, especially when these awful actions are continuously emphasized and hurtful and offensive offenses are repeated.

The dominoes will fall due to the inevitable consequences of these continuous escalations of wrongdoing.

Unfortunately, some, including minors, believe his lies and are influenced by his wrongful behaviors.

These actions affect our reputation in the world and our standing. They undermine our credibility and ability to defend our interests globally.

For instance, no world leader would trust this individual or his associates to lead any future responses to crises such as COVID or new pandemics.

This presents a significant problem, affecting global trade, jobs, and the economy, as well as our international relationships.

Foreign adversaries may see this as an opportunity to destabilize America and the world with hate and greater liabilities, but this does not lead to greater safety, prosperity, or assets for themselves or the world.

Bringing down the economies of the United States or the West would not elevate Russia to a superpower, especially considering Russia's lack of significant industry beyond oil.

And destabilizing the world with hate and liabilities will only harm countries with fewer resources and more mouths to feed.

Liabilities are not assets, and harming others does not translate into innovation or prosperity.

As for Russia starting wars to conquer Europe and the West, they would need the resources to sustain such conflicts. 

Ultimately, this would only result in more liabilities and tragedies without any real gain.

We must turn the page, move away from ignorance and those who would practice ignorance and reject bad practices that harm assets, prosperity and peace, as these only bring hardships and economic challenges at home and to the world.

  “Whoever walks in uprightness fears the LORD, but he who is devious in his ways despises him.” “Leave the presence of a fool, for there yo...