Friday, September 6, 2024

Signs Of A Loser


A loser lays the groundwork for crying wolf in non-existent fouls and a non-stop stream of excuses in blame of anyone else other than self.

Winners do not expect to lose, so they do not need to lay the groundwork to cry wolf, make lame excuses, or play the blame game.

A loser resorts to name-calling like a petulant child unable to articulate any words of intelligence or significance.

Winners can articulate meaningful words of intelligence without resorting to vulgarities, name-calling, and blame.

A loser has no respect for people, especially women, judging and prejudging every book by its book cover.

Winners can see beyond the shallow and superficial to the heart of what matters within without prejudice.

A loser cheats, because losers can't win any other way.

Winners do not need to cheat to win.
A loser resorts to aggression and violence to cover up their insecurities, fears, and incompetence.

Winners can face their fears and solve simple and complex problems without needing to go psycho (out of control) and misdirect to cover up insecurities, fears, and incompetence.

A loser takes by force.

Real winners, like real men, do not need to use force (or uncouth, dishonorable, and indecent behaviors) to win.

A loser in grandiose delusions is unable to see or face reality.

Winners do not need to puff the self up, are honest with the self and situations, and can see and face reality.

A loser operates based on selfish wants, lies, and propaganda.

Winners operate based on intelligence and factual truth, not on lies, propaganda, and wishful thinking. 

A loser is dishonorable with no honor and no fidelity to anyone but self.

Winners are honorable, think beyond self, and have fidelity and service to the Lord and humanity.

A loser does not bother to comprehend or understand, which causes more harm than most by making the same mistakes over and over and over and over again.

Winners can or at least try to comprehend and understand, take responsibility, and learn from mistakes.

A loser perceives everything as threats except his own, especially his own questionable judgments, lack of intelligence, and lack of talent and skills.

Winners are not paranoid in blame and are honest about their strengths and weaknesses.

A loser is a sore loser, a poor sport.

Winners are gracious, win or lose, and usually win in the end because of a good, positive, and winning attitude.

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