Tuesday, August 13, 2024

"Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied.”*


Justice is not justice until those committing the crime do the time.  

There must be accountability for there to be security and safety.  

We cannot tolerate color of law violations at any level, especially extreme levels where violating the sanctity of the home and abusing a person in their home with continuous, persistent cruel, and unusual treatment becomes the norm. 

We cannot allow racists and sexually abusing perpetrators to dictate, infringe, and trash the unalienable rights of people, especially women.  

We must hold those who break the law accountable to the law.

Let's ensure that we elect leaders who are capable of upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice for the people and persons harmed by bad actors and color-of-law violators.


*A quote often attributed to William E. Gladstone.

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