What is the point of winning with bad players who are dead set on destroying democracy, abusing talent, and plunging everything into chaos, hate, violence, and bankruptcy?
Why bother operating everything based on lies, propaganda, and superficial predictions instead of real intelligence, facts, and reason?
Why constantly point the finger at everyone else, while letting the ones inciting violence and harm off the hook?
What good is having national security when nothing is secure and threats against democracy and humanity go unanswered?
What good are laws and ethics if they are never followed, and the unjust, the unholy, and the abusers of power in cruel and unusual ways are never held accountable and brought to justice?
And what good is the news media and news reporters if the reporting is based on the regurgitation of two-faced lies and propaganda without the facts and fact-checking in real news?
The spectacle of chaos, incitement of hate, violence, and harm in constant attacks against democracy and humanity must be vigorously addressed.
Therefore, we must elect leaders who are willing to confront those who sow discord and undermine our civilized and honorable behaviors and democracy through lies, slander, fraud, fear, sedition, abuse of power and abominable acts of hate and sexual abuse.