Friday, July 19, 2024

We need to elect leaders who will vigorously protect and defend:

     America and its allies


     The Constitution

     Human Rights

     Women's Rights


     The Environment

We need leaders who are honorable and trustworthy, able to uphold their oaths of office and pledges to the American people.

We do not need sellouts, liars, and cheats, and dishonorable Judases hell-bent on violence, hate and fear, destruction, exploitation, and economic strife.

We also need the news media to report the news accurately and not strive to become the next National Enquirer, a tabloid news and gossip paper.

We need news reports based on facts and policy, not on wrestling, testosterone, and sensationalized entertainment.

We need patriots who will stand up and speak out against lies, fear, hate, and autocratic tranny.

We need to be brave and have convictions in line with the holy ethical values, not corruption and aggression.

We need best practices and honest services in order to really make this country greater and make the world a better place for our children and future generations.

Therefore, say no to more lies and propaganda, hate and fear, aggression and abuse of power, destruction and strife.

Disrespecting women and committing the heinous act of rape are reflections of the abuser's dishonor, sacrilege, and crimes against human...