If you build the future upon the quicksands of hate and fear, nothing will rise.
You will drown into despair.
If you build the future upon the sinkholes of the stink holes of temptation and sin, nothing will rise.
You will sink, bonded by chains of sins and abuse into despair.
If you build the future upon nothing but lies and grandiose schemes, nothing will rise.
Nothing will rise, because there is nothing there, but delusions and crimes of fraud crashing down into despair.
If you build the future upon nothing, but pettiness and spite, nothing will rise.
You will shrink, savaged by the desire to hurt and harm, into despair.
If you build the future tripping on power, abusing power, and crossing red lines, nothing will rise.
You will spiral into crimes and greater crimes twisted in a criminal mind, minding nothing but cons and con games, skirting laws and breaking laws, pushing away honor and running away truth, until you are nothing but a shell game spinning into despair.
If you build the future as a lapdog to autocracy, kowtowing like a slave, nothing will rise.
You will be chained to cowardice, bound to dishonor, complicit accomplices to crimes of terror against humanity, corrupting yourself until you are nothing but pathetic puppets strung along, disregarded and discarded at whim.
In that future time, when you are no longer a man, not a person, but a puppeted trophy to be broken, a doormat to be stepped upon, in that future you will be nothing, but corrupted rot knowing only shame and despair.