Saturday, November 19, 2022

Thus, Overtime


If you try to force your child to become someone they are not, you might "win"; however, your child will be forever unhappy and you might lose their love.  

Just as if a church allows ministers or priests to practice sexual harassment, abuse or pedophilia, that church will lose parishioners, credibility, standing and grace.  

Overtime, these churches will not be viewed as a safe place for worship, but as hunting grounds for sexual abusers and pedophiles. 

The same principle applies to all areas of life, where abusive practices are allowed.

The standing and credibility of the person or organization is tainted and questioned; and overtime (if unchecked or uncorrected) dishonor, indecency and unholiness becomes synonymous with that person or organization. 

What Is the Measure Of A Man?

What is the measure of a man? Is it excuse after lame excuse for one’s own actions? Is it the constant blame on victims or women or anyone e...