Friday, July 22, 2022


Power of Caesar is not the way to enter heaven.  

Power of self is not the way to enter heaven.  

Superpower is not the way to enter heaven.  

At no time can you force your way into heaven. 

Abuse of power is worse; it leads to sinful harm and crimes against humanity and is thus damning.  

Continuous and continual abuse of power causes aggravated harm and crimes against humanity and is thus very damning and sacrilegious.

The way to heaven is narrow and its path is but a fine line between good and evil.  

Once you cross that line into the unholy, the only way back is through remorse at the level equal to the level of harm.  

And in order to have that kind of remorse, the sinner must understand why the sin was wrong and so hurtful and harmful.  

The way to understanding is through atoning which allows you to gain empathy and feel what you have put the other person through in harm. 

Without walking the path of redemption, the sinner will not find the narrow way into heaven.

Disrespecting women and committing the heinous act of rape are reflections of the abuser's dishonor, sacrilege, and crimes against human...