The legacy of Madeleine Albright is one
of freedom.
Freedom from tyranny.
Freedom from hate.
Freedom to be the person the Lord meant
for a person to be;
Respect for the Lord.
Respect for humanity.
Respect for all people.
The respect that allows us to honor the
Lord with all of our hearts, all of our
souls and all of our might;
and honor our heritage in the
democratic ideals that gives hope and
voice to the oppressed.
"The magic of America is that we're a
free and open society with a mixed
population. Part of our security is our
Madeleine Albright
"The survival of mankind is in the
balance. One wave of hatred,
callousness or contempt may bring in its
wake the destruction of all mankind.
Vicious deeds are but an aftermath of
what is conceived in the hearts and
minds of men. Speech has power and
few men realize that words do not fade.
What starts off as sound, ends in deed.
The world is too small for anything, but
mutual care and deep respect.
The world is too great for anything, but
responsibility toward one another."
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Herschel,
What We Might Do Together