Monday, December 7, 2020

The Hypocrisy Continues


Do you find it interesting that the legacy the Unholies choose you leave behind is that of cockroaches without honor, decency or humanity?  

That somehow Unholies are able to cloak themselves behind Christian smocks, professing Christian and American values while perpetrating unspeakable crimes against humanity (hate crimes, getting people sick, letting people starve and other sexual abuse crimes).  

Do you find it strange that Unholies get off on their own damnation by delighting in evil and abuse of power all while becoming slaves to Satan?

How can someone profess to be Christian when having no Christian values (unless your so-called friend think that Christian values is that of hate and depravity)?  

And how can someone profess to be American when having no American values (unless your so-called American friend think that to be American is abuse of power, violating civil and human rights, no truths - self evident or otherwise and no adherence to the Constitution)?  

What kind of people kowtow to Unholies that are cockroaches and Satan slaves and let atrocities happen?

Disrespecting women and committing the heinous act of rape are reflections of the abuser's dishonor, sacrilege, and crimes against human...