Have you ever heard of the expression knowledge is power?
And if you believe in that adage, then define knowledge.
Knowledge is _________________________.
Let say you are sick, the person with the knowledge to heal you has the power to save you.
But if that knowledge is lacking, then the chances of finding the most effective treatment greatly decreases.
And if researchers have yet to find a treatment or cure, then chances for survival decreases even further.
What is my point?
Knowledge is ever evolving.
With each new problem or disease, knowledge of new treatments, cures or solutions must be created, invented or found.
Believing you know one tiny aspect of something or someone is not total knowledge.
Failures to apply knowledge correctly is the same as not knowing anything at all (having no power or completely powerless against disease or circumstance).
In other words, will power create, invent or find solutions or the wisdom to apply any aspect of knowledge correctly, efficiently or effectively?
Will power give you health, wisdom or salvation?
What often is forgotten is knowledge of the Holy Spirit and spiritual well being.
Why is it important to have knowledge of the Lord or Enlightenment?
Because it is the difference between spiritual life and death.
The power to save you spiritually in life is the knowledge of the Holy and the practice of the Commandments of the Lord.
It is the belief of this author that there are different pathways to enlightenment and spiritual understanding. The hope is to develop positive connections and relationships.
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Big Deal Or No Big Deal?
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