Do you hear it?
Time and again crimes against humanity are committed by those who abuse power.
Cries of moral outrage, cries for justice fall upon deaf ears and silence indifference.
And you begin to wonder, is it possible for humans to have empathy, to truely understand what it is like to be harassed, abused, injured or discriminated against?
Why would any form of injustice or crimes against humanity be acceptable?
One group or tribe crying about the harm and injury to them, then turn around and accept another kind of injury to another tribe or person.
No forms of harm, injury, injustice or crimes against humanity are acceptable and none should be tolerated.
At all times the Golden Rule or law of the prophets should be applied, "Do to others as you would have them do to you." - Luke 6:31
"Do for others what you want them to do for you: this is the meaning of the Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets." - Matthew 7.12
Accept no sin. Accept no harm.
Fight for justice.
Ask yourself, "Would you want the same abuses in power to happen to you?"
It is the belief of this author that there are different pathways to enlightenment and spiritual understanding. The hope is to develop positive connections and relationships.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
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