I seem to recall this conversation many times; garbage in, garbage out.
So why do some think that garbage packed in pretty packaging is not still garbage?
Or a big fat nondescript packaging filled with intellect and knowkedge is not wisdom worth knowing or having?
How frightening is it that the people that should be in the know, somehow think pretty packages in sinful unintelligible abuses of garbage is intelligence?
It is the belief of this author that there are different pathways to enlightenment and spiritual understanding. The hope is to develop positive connections and relationships.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Greatest Gift Is Love.*
"Faith, hope, and love remain; receive these three, but the greatest of these is love.”* And what is love?** “ Love is patient and kind...
Dear Endearing Snowflake, Into the unknown we go..... Fear and uncertainty rise and fall, Grasp bravery in desperation of it all. Wi...
Kindred, Are you able to galvanize some people to take this pandemic seriously? Some are still in varying states of delusion. The qu...