Tuesday, April 16, 2019

False Treasure


Do you think that your money belong solely to you?

Do you think that your talents belong solely to you?

Do you think that your time belong solely to you?

Your time, talent and treasure belong to the Lord, assigned to you.

When you forsake the Lord's purpose and gifts for you, and misuse your blessings, then you invite greed, avarice and other sins in.

Your time, talent and treasure are to be used in service of the Lord and as steward of the earth.

Before you even contemplate heaven, take a good look at yourself. 

Evolution without foundation in the Lord or service to humankind, is not evolution, but a false notion and devolution. 

It is also not enlightenment.

Look to and within yourself.

Be honest.

Are you the person the Lord meant for you to be? 

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