Did it matter to Jesus Christ the treatment of women?
Jesus determined women, such as Saint Mary Magdalene to be not only worthy, but declared that among his disciples, she most understood His teachings.
Yet no where were her understandings written or passed down.
How much of Christ's teachings were lost or not fully understood, because of her missing voice, we will never know.
Even more unfortunate, Jesus Christ's intention towards her and women were never honored or followed.
When will His regard and vision towards her and women be fully realized?
Never, as long as jealousy, hatred and discrimination are allowed to be practiced against women in the church and in society.
Did it matter to Jesus Christ the treatment of women?
How important then is His regard and vision towards her and women be honored and followed?
Would it matter?
It is the belief of this author that there are different pathways to enlightenment and spiritual understanding. The hope is to develop positive connections and relationships.
Friday, February 15, 2019
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