We are conceived in the Love and Grace of the Lord. Born upon the playground of its Majesty.
How steadfast we hold to our birthright of Love is of
our own choosing.
Kindness, integrity, honor, respect, regard, are not
foreign or even lofty concepts of character, but innate values to each person
in life.
How then are these good character traits so intrinsic
to our original and good nature forgotten, corrupted or confused in the course
of human endeavors?
Life, by its very nature, is temporal. Tragedy, comedy, suffering, hope, all part
its visage.
How we deal with these instances in the course of living
all the moments in our lives will forge our destiny and countenance.
When we introduce fear and hate to deal with our
insecurities, we invite the missteps, the bad choices, the bad practices and
When this happens, our birthright of Love becomes
We must take every precaution and make every defense
to fight against that which would threaten our Love and our humanity.
Let us then dedicate ourselves to preserving and
forging a legacy of Love for our children and future generations by fighting
injustice, hatred and sin.