The pathological liar is not normal.
It is not normal for him in a town hall Q and A to respond only to a few questions, without giving any answers, then spend the next thirty or so minutes just standing there, swaying slightly to music before ending the event.
It is not normal when two people fainted at the event to then say, "would anyone else like to faint?"
He's callous and grandiose, an unholy narcissist who cares more about aesthetics and himself than anyone else, and is extreme, weird, seditious (if not treasonous), spiteful, and uncaring in his intentions and actions.
When will his followers wake up from his brainwashing?
There is nothing great about his hate or fear-mongering or grandiose power trips intent on harm and harming not just minority groups, not just political enemies, not just media groups reporting real news, but anyone, not a mini-Me enthralled with his lies, his whims, and his grandiose image of himself.
There is nothing great about toxic masculinity or dishonorable manhood or scapegoating cowardice or outright cowardice.
There is no bravery in bullying, harassment, and abuse of power.
There is no wisdom in ignorance.
There is no truth in lies.
There is no love in hate or BS.
There is no patriotism in nationalism, sedition, or treason; because we actually have to care and care about our democracy and our country, respect and defend our flag, Constitution, and the rule of law, and not side with foreign adversaries and dictators.
This election is not about politics.
It's about saving our country, our democracy, our freedom, and our fundamental human rights to our bodies, our families, our homes, and to determine who we are and who we can love.
It's about defending our Constitution and from our enemies domestic and abroad (PS, when the pathological liar and blamer extraordinaire points his finger to the left and blame, the three fingers pointing back at him means he's talking about himself every time for something he's doing wrong).
It's not about surrendering and rolling over, submitting, to our enemies without a fight.
It's about standing up to our enemies and taking up the fight for democracy, freedom, and justice.
It's about electing leaders who would fight for our values and serve all people honorably with dignity and justice for everyone.
It's about the future we all can live in free from oppression and harm in an environment not threatened by climate change.
It's about giving our children, future generations, and ourselves a brighter and safer world.
Therefore, make sure you get out to vote and vote like our lives depend on it.