Tuesday, May 3, 2022


There is a lack of understanding of what will happen when sins are committed, even though scripture clearly states what will happen.  

"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”


                             - Revelations 21:8

Again, Jesus Christ himself said, "And then will I declare to them,‘I never knew you; get away from Me, you who practice unholiness!’

                                - Matthew 7: 23

The problem arises from the grooming by compromised ministers, priests and false prophets who read whatever manipulations and outcomes desired into scripture, trying to find loopholes in spiritual law as some criminals would find in legal law.  

How many times has the grace of forgiveness been used to cover up, ignore or perpetuate the continuation of sins?  

Used as absolution to bypass redemption altogether?  

The problem is not in the forgiveness of the victims or the Lord, but in the continuation of sins and harm by the sinner.  

How many times has the grace of believing in the Lord been used to cover up, ignore or perpetuate the continuation of sins?  

Used as absolution to bypass redemption altogether?  

The problem is not in believing in the Lord, though if truly believe in holiness why soil in unholiness, but in the continuation of sins and harm by the sinner.  

The problem of blame also keeps rising to the forefront as if the accountability for one's own sins can be placed elsewhere like in hatred of different people, of the Lord's many different creations other than yourself.

As if they are to blame for the ills of the world and therefore it justifies sins in harm committed against them.  

The problem with not seeing the Lord at all without the purity of heart is not feeling the Holy Spirit at all with true heart.  

Because without feeling the Holy Spirit, you will not realize how unholy and how damned.  

Ultimately, (not realizing that) it is not just about what the Lord will do in Judgement or the victim will do in forgiveness, but what Satan will do to the sinners - in dragging them into hell.  

  Even if you disagree with Harris and Walz, at least you will be able to vote them out in the next election cycle.  You will not have the s...